Categories: Coyote Hunting News

NABU-person alien: Rheinischer coterie in the Ministry of the environment?

From 2000 to 2018, the naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V. (NABU) has received a minimum of € 42 million from various Federal ministries.

The main donor is the Ministry of the environment. This was in the last year, from the response of the Federal government to a minor Interpellation of the FDP. The exact amount can be significantly higher, since the data from the period 2000 to 2006 is incomplete. The acts were amazing destroyed.

(Photo: Pixabay)

Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD), which is classed as bekennendes NABU-member, seems to want to put on it. A NABU-official to be in the future for the allocation of funds to non-governmental organizations in the Ministry responsible. So it is reported anyway, the economy is week.

The monthly € 10,000 B6 place of a head of Department for nature conservation, should go to the main official Chairman of the NABU regional Association in North Rhine-Westphalia, Joseph tower, Brinck,. This is not only a good friend of the Minister, but was also verbändelt closely with the former green environment Minister in North Rhine-Westphalia, Johannes Remmel,. A rogue who thinks Evil of it. No decision had fallen, it was said in Bonn ambiguous. In ministries such external casts are rather the exception, and the excitement in the BMU officials should correspondingly be high.

Meanwhile, the MIRROR reported that even the state Secretary in the Federal Ministry for the environment, Jochen Flasbarth, formerly for nine years full-time President of the NABU, is intended for higher orders. He is running for the vacant top post at the United Nations environment programme (UNEP) in Nairobi. The Federal Cabinet has already agreed. Flasbarth it for a long time in the highly doped climes of the United Nations. In vain he had already applied in 2016 for the UNEP Post, and six years earlier for the post of CEO of the Washington species protection agreement (CITES).

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