Categories: Coyote Hunting News

Race against Brittany Longoria

Animal rights organizations make in social media, with prominent support sentiment against sustainable hunting in Africa.

CIC and DJV condemn the media’s witch hunt against the hunter, Brittany Longoria: As a scientist, she develops ecological approaches to Tourism in Africa, including hunting.

The picture shows a young hunter, holding a dead leopard: “rage trophy hunting: woman killed giant leopards and grins into the camera – animal rights activists are up in arms,” headlines the STAR. The image has not set the hunter self on Instagram, it was posted by an American animal rights activist.

Brittany Longoria is a philanthropist and developed Ecotourism strategies for the village communities in southern and Eastern Africa source: (Screenshot

Media attention to the contribution, since celebrities such as model Naomi Campbell the image to your personal networks. In the meantime, animal rights activists threaten the hunter with hate mail, calls to murder and rape.

The International Council for the conservation of game and wildlife (CIC) and the German hunting Association viewing this chase with concern. “I find it strange that parts of our society presume due to a photos, to discredit a designated guardian in such a way. You are making a big fuss about the regulated hunting of a wild animal, whose Management follows internationally accepted quotas and criteria. We are calling for a facts-based reporting,“ says Dr. Wilhelm von Trott zu Solz, head of the German Delegation of the CIC.

Hunter reports to word

The maligned hunter, Brittany Longoria is a philanthropist and developed Ecotourism strategies for village communities in South and East Africa. Since the year 2000 in Africa, working woman connects governments, indigenous peoples and investors by the use of local species conservation projects. Sustainable hunting is part of their strategy. The goal: to secure income for the local population and the protection of native wild animals through their sustainable use. Brittany Longoria is LetAfricaLive of the page, an organization that campaigns against the paternalism of the African population through non-governmental organizations from Europe and America, is quoted as saying: “It’s (the organizations) to the payment of a single leopard. It’s about the hunt, and the methods of the international protection of species.“

The best protection for the Big cats and their prey: sustainable use

In July 2016 by animal rights organizations, launched a Petition, with the aim to stop the legal hunting of the leopard is failed after Intervention by the concerned countries of origin for the SADC (South African development Community, the southern African development community) in November 2016. The international trade agreement CITES quota for leopards from the SADC is not fully exploited, with currently 39 percent. The stocks of the “Panthera pardus” in the member States of the SADC are considered to be the world’s most stable and healthiest. Over-regulation and trade restrictions are today the biggest threat to the leopards, as incentives for the protection of the Big cats and their prey will be lost. These missing animals represent the wild for the affected rural residents, only a threat to their existence.

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