Categories: Coyote Hunting News

The cartridge 6×62 Frères

Still the Blaser R 93, with some of the charges of the gauge chamber placed in the cartridge belt and ready for a day of hunting

Still the Blaser R 93, with some of the charges of the gauge chamber placed in the cartridge belt and ready for a day of hunting

After the second world war the germans took just twenty years for reappearance on the market of cartridges for the soul ruled where, in the meantime, and for obvious reasons, the americans had placed their gauges, giving very little space to competitors of old Europe.

So, in 1965, the RWS presents the first cartridge, we call it post-1945, and it does so from its part to combat, and either overcome them, the different .22 high-intensity riding a II GM had won the favor of the customers made in the meantime, more careful, not only hunting, but also to draw the polygon. The of 5.6×57 RWS, even in version 5,6x57R collar to the overhead, drawing the attention with sales numbers not amazing, but certainly respect and excellent performance.

Three years later, is the swan song of the old DWM, abbreviation dear to all the oplofili fortunately today the reborn and the present, also entered her in the field of the .22 to be very bright with the 5,6x50R: was born just like that, only with the collar, providing a greater attention to complement in rifles overhead, perhaps as a second rifled barrel of a Bockdrilling to complement the 12/70 and the classic 7x65R; success places a little later on the stage the sister grooved to the carbine and the Steyr, for example, was regularly his Mod. Steyr Mannlicher so chambered, and selected areas of austrian or Italy in the east to the roe deer. Still follows a proposal of RWS with the 6,5×65, normal or R, another success that deserves attention for the performance on the field while in the mid 80’s a new signature serves that measure ever so followed by the mittel-european: the 6 mm.

Also the butt cap and the trigger signal a firm pressure, but in the norm: posts small destroy the essence of the caliber and its performance

A company of Pfinztal, near Karlsruhe, the Ingenieurbüro Frères, studying his new cartridge, extracting the cartridge case from the well-known 9,3×62 Otto Bock: unchanged the size of the pad and the body, closes to 5° the angle of the shoulder, rising to about 40°, and decreases of approximately 1.8 mm, the measurement of the collar: the differences fit the cartridge to the new criteria for a better use of the powder which, according to various tests, it must be of the progressive type and dose conspicuous. Interesting to read about the considerations the united states who immediately observe how it is not possible to obtain the bossolame from the .30-06 Sprg. for the different extent of back: here it seems that he may be made a reason, and that the persons concerned have continued in the purchase and use of this direct competitor of the .240 Weatherby. The commercial production is entrusted to the Ruag Ammotec in Fürth as the Men Metallwerk Elisenhütte G. m.b.H. Nassau/Lahn, and the loads include balls 87 and 100 gr. It seems that the cartridge, that is certainly not easy to manage and for this is judged to be sometimes a bit hysterical and bizzosa, just want things to summit: a charge with 58,3 g N/a 165 and the ball Nosler Partition 85 gr scored 1040 m/sec-V/2 and 100 m three shots in less than ½ MOA, while another charge with 56,5 gr of MRP and ball Hornady V-Max 87 gr gives 980 m/sec. V/2 and pinkish vertical 0.6 MOA.

A cartridge 6x62R Fr. camerata in the Blaser K 95 is ready for a test shooting in the polygon

Have slowed recently, the dissemination of this project, the cost factor, truly remarkable, both for the empty cases, and even more for the fillers of the original, the availability is not always ready and quick in all the armories, and the intrinsic selectivity for the refills which not everyone enters quickly in tune. For against 6×62 Frères has from its ease of management to the range where the recoil is very modest in relation to the benefits due to which it can undermine roe deer to chamois, fallow deer, the mouflon: it is also granted some digression on the deer if it has the approval of the laws, and the ability to not exaggerate the length of the shot, placing the ball in a very precise and accurate.

Cartridge 6×62

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Also the butt cap and the trigger signal a firm pressure, but in the norm: posts small destroy the essence of the caliber and its performance

Still the Blaser R 93, with some of the charges of the gauge chamber placed in the cartridge belt and ready for a day of hunting

The barrel of this kipplauf Blaser K 95 is chambered for the 6x62R Frères: in this cartridge are not differentiated charges for the carbine or tilting

A rifle Blaser R 93 chambered for the cartridge, 6×62 Frères: a great combination for hunting in the mountains, and not only

A cartridge 6x62R Fr. camerata in the Blaser K 95 is ready for a test shooting in the polygon

The shells fired do not show thinning in the body, a sign of a correctly chambered. The CP indicates the maximum operating pressure in the 4300 bar

Three shells fired show the annealing of the apex of the body, the shoulder and the collar decisive to maintain the elasticity of the brass with the pressures of the game

The table of shot indicates the calibration is about 210 m with the note GEE, is a value of the pull stretched the hunting to 240 m always with arrow around 4 cm: results

Still a pack of the cartridge assembled with the ball TS by 5.5 g (85 gr) with coating tombacco

An original package of 6×62 Frères, and exposure to classical two cartridges

On the packaging it is always shown on the name of the factory which provided for the preparation of the charges: here the Ruag Fürth

The shells of the two versions of the cartridge German: on the left the one with the collar and on the right the one without

The two powders for the 204, and still more by the MRP and two boxes of cartridges in the versions with and without a collar

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