18. March 2018, was found in a horse stable on the outskirts of Jerchwitz (municipality of Hohe dubrau, LKGörlitz, Saxony) is a dead wolf pup.
The finds puppy was not yet dead for a long time (photo: Lupus)
After the owner of the horse farm, the police informed about the Totfund, which ran the message, was held a on-site assessment by the staff of the LUPUS Institute for wolf monitoring and research in Germany and the district office Görlitz.
In the investigation of the carcass through the LUPUS Institute could be assessed, that male wolf puppy had to be recently died. The Wolf was in a bad state of health, and was developed for his age (relatively small and light), which indicates a longer pre-existing condition. In addition, he showed strong Räudesymptome. The cause of death was in the case of the external investigation. The Wolf was handed over for further investigation and determination of cause of death at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and wildlife research in Berlin.
The site is located in the territory of the Kollmer pack. Photo case, pictures show that the puppies of this pack already in the summer of Räudeanzeichen had. Clarity on the pack belonging to the dead wolf puppies to bring a genetic test at the Senckenberg Institute for wildlife genetics in Gelnhausen.
In the investigation of the relatively remote, few houses, surrounded by the horse barn and the surrounding area found no evidence as to how and when the Wolf was in the open around the barn, and how long he was there. The in the stable in separate boxes housed horses and small animals were intact and showed normal/relaxed behavior.
It is so far the first known case in which a dead Wolf in the stable, was found. Of foxes, it is known that they, store if they are injured or sick, protection and warmth in hay or Straw, under certain circumstances, sometimes in the stables are looking for. Since the fur condition of the wolf puppies due to the mange very badly, it is conceivable that he was looking in the barn for protection from the cold.
Wolf notes how watchword, cracks, sightings, tracks, and Dead birds should be reported to the respective competent district offices or at the following locations:
LUPUS Institute for wolf monitoring and research in Germany
Tel.: 035727 57762, Email: kontakt@lupus-institut.de
Contact office “wolves in Saxony”
Tel.: 035772 46762, Email: kontaktbuero@wolf-sachsen.de