Product Features of the ERGO baby Sport Carrier
With the ERGO Baby carrier, the baby can be worn on the front, back, or hip. It can be used with babies who are newborns (up to 8 lb with infant insert) until they are 4 years old (up to 40 lbs). It’s features a comfortable ergonomic design that supports a correct sitting position for the baby’s hip, pelvis, and growth of the spine. It’s comfortable for parents too – it balances your baby’s weight on your hips and shoulders, so you can wear the baby even on a long hike. It’s a compact design for all parents, including those on the go.

ERGObaby Sport Baby Carrier
The ERGObaby carrier is made of a blend of 35% cotton and 65% polyester which is lightweight and a breathable fabric with comfort in mind. The carrier sports a vent for breathability and this makes the wearing experience comfortable for parent and baby. This particular ERGObaby carrier has a 5″ longer waist belt (more than our standard and organic carriers for bigger parents) and the shoulder strsp extend 4 inches longer as well. It also has a sleeping hood that is detachable and that you can stow away in a pocket. This carrier does not include a zippered pocket but has a matching front pouch to store necessities such as keys, a cell phone, or a diaper and wipes — making the experience hands free for the parent or baby wearer. It’s ideal for parents from 5′ to 6.5′.
My Review of the ERGO Baby Sport
This is one of the most comfortable baby carriers I’ve tried. It has comfortable straps but a little difficult to use. It takes some getting used to maneuvering your baby in and out of the carrier. The waist strap is a huge plus. It is a little on the expensive side but you are paying for the strapped in security of your baby along with your comfort.
Other parents I spoke with viewed the Ergo Baby Carrier also in high regard. They liked how the carrier positioned most of the baby’s weight onto your hips, not stressing out your spine. They liked how it has the versatility for outdoor activities. The cotton and polyester blend provide for a breathable wear. They remarked that their favorite feature was the waist strap. This provides the proper balance of baby’s weight onto your body without feeling that you are about to topple over. Parents were able to wear the Ergo Baby Carrier longer than others because of this feature. They liked that the carrier has pockets for your things and also for the baby’s necessities (burp cloths especially!)
The biggest con that this baby carrier got was that it was a little difficult to maneuver your baby in and out. The price wasn’t a favorite feature either. It does run a little on the expensive side but generally people have said it was worth the splurge.
Where to Buy the ErgoBaby Sport Baby Carrier
You can buy it directly from Amazon. I have bought from both places and recommend both!
What are your thoughts of the ERGO Baby Sport Baby Carrier?
I have shared my thoughts on the Ergo Baby Carrier. What are yours?
My sister got the Ergo, and it was more comfortable than other carriers, BUT, the baby can only face in towards you when being carried on your chest. My niece fussed if she couldn’t face outwards and see the world after she turned 2 months. An important thing to consider. Bjorn, while a little less comfy for longer lengths of time, was the better choice for her because it allows the baby to face in or out.
Shana – there are so many pros and cons to baby carriers and Ergo vs/ Baby Bjorn are really the top contenders. That’s what I hear – if you want comfort (at a cost of an inward facing baby), you go Ergo. If you want less comfort but more flexibility, you get a Baby Bjorn. I guess I prefer comfort over the visibility for my kid, but I also don’t wear it as often anymore now that my little guy is older (but still more than 20 lbs lighter than the maximum weight limit!)
Does anyone know the differences between the Sport Ergo and Organic Ergo? Which one is the best one?
Jasmine, the SPORT ergo has an additional 5″ on the waist belt than the standard or organic carriers (30″ to 48″ adjustment).