How does a jet propulsion work?

Jet Propulsion: How Does it Work?

Jet propulsion is the propulsion of an object due to the ejection of fluid from a nozzle. This type of propulsion is used in rockets, airplanes, and boats. In this article, we will discuss how jet propulsion works, the types of jet propulsion, and the jet propulsion system.

How Does Jet Propulsion Work?

Jet propulsion works based on the law of conservation of momentum. According to this law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, when a fluid is ejected from a nozzle, it exerts a force on the object in the opposite direction, propelling it forward.

The process of jet propulsion begins with the intake of air. The air is compressed in the compressor and mixed with fuel in the combustion chamber. The fuel-air mixture is then ignited, and the resulting hot gases are expelled through a nozzle at the back of the engine. The ejection of the hot gases creates a forward thrust that propels the object forward.

Types of Jet Propulsion

There are two main types of jet propulsion: turbojet and turbofan.

Turbojet: In a turbojet engine, the air is compressed in the compressor and mixed with fuel in the combustion chamber. The resulting hot gases are then expelled through a nozzle at the back of the engine, creating a forward thrust. Turbojet engines are efficient at high speeds but are less efficient at low speeds.

Turbofan: In a turbofan engine, a portion of the air is bypassed around the combustion chamber and mixed with the exhaust gases before exiting the nozzle. This creates a large volume of air that provides additional thrust. Turbofan engines are more efficient at low speeds and are commonly used in commercial airplanes.

Jet Engine

A jet engine is a type of engine that uses jet propulsion to create forward thrust. Jet engines are used in airplanes, rockets, and boats. The main components of a jet engine include the compressor, combustion chamber, and nozzle.

The compressor compresses the air and feeds it to the combustion chamber, where it is mixed with fuel and ignited. The resulting hot gases are then expelled through a nozzle at the back of the engine, creating a forward thrust.

Jet Propulsion System

The jet propulsion system is the system that provides the forward thrust for an object using jet propulsion. The system includes the jet engine, fuel system, and control system.

The fuel system provides the fuel for the combustion chamber, while the control system regulates the speed and direction of the engine. The jet propulsion system is essential for airplanes, rockets, and boats, as it provides the necessary forward thrust for these objects to move.


In conclusion, jet propulsion is the propulsion of an object due to the ejection of fluid from a nozzle. It works based on the law of conservation of momentum and is used in airplanes, rockets, and boats. There are two main types of jet propulsion: turbojet and turbofan. The jet engine is the type of engine that uses jet propulsion to create forward thrust. The jet propulsion system is the system that provides the necessary forward thrust for an object using jet propulsion. Understanding how jet propulsion works is essential for advancing the technology and improving the performance of jet engines.

How does a jet propulsion work?

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