Categories: Questions and Answers

How does an automatic pool cleaner work?

Automatic pool cleaners have revolutionized pool maintenance, making it easier and more convenient for pool owners to keep their pools clean and sparkling. These devices have become increasingly popular over the years, and their advanced cleaning technology has improved significantly. In this article, we will explore how an automatic pool cleaner works, the different types of pool cleaning robots available, and the benefits of using one.

What is an Automatic Pool Cleaner?

An automatic pool cleaner is a pool cleaning robot that is designed to clean the debris and dirt that accumulate on the bottom and walls of the pool. These devices are typically powered by electricity and have a self-contained filtration system that removes debris from the pool water. The automatic pool cleaner moves around the pool, cleaning it in a systematic pattern, and can be programmed to run at specific times.

How Does an Automatic Pool Cleaner Work?

There are three main types of automatic pool cleaners: suction-side, pressure-side, and robotic pool cleaners. While they operate differently, they all work to clean the pool effectively.

Suction-Side Pool Cleaners: These cleaners use the suction power of the pool pump to move around the pool and collect debris. The suction created by the pool pump draws water and debris into the cleaner’s filtration system, where it is removed from the pool. Suction-side pool cleaners work best for small to medium-sized pools that have minimal debris.

Pressure-Side Pool Cleaners: These cleaners use the pressure created by the pool pump to move around the pool. The pressure-side cleaner has a separate debris bag that collects larger debris like leaves and twigs. The cleaner also has a built-in filtration system that captures smaller particles. Pressure-side pool cleaners work best for medium to large-sized pools that have moderate to heavy debris.

Robotic Pool Cleaners: These cleaners are the most advanced and efficient of the three types. They are self-contained and have their own filtration system, making them independent of the pool’s filtration system. Robotic pool cleaners use a combination of brushes, filters, and suction to clean the pool. They have a programmable microprocessor that enables them to navigate the pool and clean it in a systematic pattern. Robotic pool cleaners are suitable for all pool sizes and types and are highly effective in removing both large and small debris.

The Benefits of Using an Automatic Pool Cleaner

There are several benefits of using an automatic pool cleaner:

Time-Saving: Automated pool cleaners save time and effort that would otherwise be required to manually clean the pool.

Efficiency: Automatic pool cleaners are highly efficient and can clean the pool thoroughly in a short amount of time.

Cost-Effective: Although the initial cost of purchasing an automatic pool cleaner may be high, it is a cost-effective investment in the long run, as it reduces the need for professional cleaning services and prolongs the lifespan of the pool equipment.

Improved Water Quality: Pool cleaning robots improve the water quality by removing debris and dirt that can cause algae growth and bacterial infestation.

Convenience: Automatic pool cleaners are convenient to use, as they can be programmed to clean the pool at specific times, ensuring that the pool is always clean and ready to use.


Automatic pool cleaners are an essential tool for pool maintenance. They are available in different types and sizes, making them suitable for all pool sizes and types. The advanced cleaning technology used by these devices ensures that the pool is thoroughly cleaned, improving water quality and reducing the need for professional cleaning services. While the initial cost of purchasing an automatic pool cleaner may be high, the long-term benefits make it a cost-effective investment. With the convenience and time-saving benefits of using an automatic pool cleaner, pool maintenance has never been easier.

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