Categories: Questions and Answers

What are the techniques involved in creating repurposed wallpaper jewelry?

Repurposed wallpaper jewelry is a unique and creative way to transform old wallpaper into beautiful accessories. This DIY technique allows you to upcycle wallpaper scraps and create one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry. Not only is this a sustainable fashion choice, but it also allows you to express your creativity and style. In this article, we will explore the techniques involved in creating repurposed wallpaper jewelry, providing you with all the information you need to get started on your own handmade accessories.

Choosing the Right Wallpaper

The first step in creating repurposed wallpaper jewelry is selecting the right wallpaper. Look for wallpaper scraps that have interesting patterns, colors, and textures. Vintage wallpapers can add a unique touch to your jewelry, while modern wallpapers can give a contemporary look. Consider the size of the scraps and how they will fit into your jewelry designs.

Preparing the Wallpaper

Once you have chosen the wallpaper, it’s important to prepare it for jewelry making. Start by cutting the wallpaper into smaller pieces that are suitable for your designs. You can use scissors or a craft knife to achieve clean and precise cuts. Make sure to remove any backing or adhesive from the wallpaper before using it in your jewelry.

Creating Jewelry Components

There are various techniques you can use to create different jewelry components from repurposed wallpaper. Here are some popular techniques:

  • Pendants: Cut out shapes from the wallpaper and attach them to pendant settings or bezels. You can use clear resin or adhesive to secure the wallpaper in place.
  • Earrings: Cut out smaller shapes from the wallpaper and attach them to earring findings. You can create dangles or studs depending on your preference.
  • Bracelets: Use wallpaper strips to create unique bracelets. You can attach the strips to metal or plastic bangles, or even create your own bracelet base using wire or fabric.
  • Rings: Cut out small wallpaper pieces and attach them to ring blanks. You can create statement rings or delicate stacking rings.

Sealing and Protecting the Jewelry

To ensure the longevity of your repurposed wallpaper jewelry, it’s important to seal and protect it. You can use a clear sealant or varnish to coat the wallpaper and protect it from moisture and wear. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the sealant you choose. This step will not only protect your jewelry but also enhance its appearance.

Adding Finishing Touches

Once you have created the basic components of your repurposed wallpaper jewelry, you can add finishing touches to make them even more unique and eye-catching. Consider adding beads, charms, or other embellishments that complement the colors and patterns of the wallpaper. You can also experiment with different techniques such as decoupage or painting to further enhance the design.

Caring for Repurposed Wallpaper Jewelry

To keep your repurposed wallpaper jewelry looking its best, it’s important to take proper care of it. Avoid exposing the jewelry to excessive moisture or harsh chemicals. When not in use, store the jewelry in a dry and clean place to prevent damage. If the jewelry gets dirty, gently clean it with a soft cloth or a mild soap solution.


Creating repurposed wallpaper jewelry is a fun and eco-friendly way to express your creativity and style. By using techniques such as cutting, sealing, and adding finishing touches, you can transform old wallpaper scraps into unique and beautiful accessories. Whether you choose to make pendants, earrings, bracelets, or rings, repurposed wallpaper jewelry allows you to make a fashion statement while promoting sustainability. So gather your wallpaper scraps, unleash your creativity, and start making your own repurposed wallpaper jewelry today!

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