Categories: Questions and Answers

What are the techniques involved in creating upcycled magazine jewelry?

Creating upcycled magazine jewelry is a fantastic way to express your creativity while also contributing to sustainable fashion. By transforming old magazines into unique and stylish accessories, you can reduce waste and make a positive impact on the environment. In this article, we will explore the techniques involved in creating upcycled magazine jewelry, providing you with all the information you need to get started on your own DIY jewelry projects.

Gather Your Materials

Before diving into the techniques, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials for your upcycled magazine jewelry project. Here’s what you’ll need:

– Old magazines: Look for magazines with colorful pages and interesting patterns. The more variety you have, the more unique your jewelry will be.
– Scissors: A good pair of scissors is essential for cutting out the magazine pages.
– Glue: Choose a glue that is suitable for paper crafts, such as a glue stick or craft glue.
– Jewelry findings: These include items like jump rings, earring hooks, and necklace chains. You can find these at craft stores or repurpose old jewelry for this purpose.
– Clear sealant: To protect your finished jewelry and give it a glossy finish, consider using a clear sealant spray or Mod Podge.

Techniques for Creating Upcycled Magazine Jewelry

1. Paper Beads

One of the most popular techniques for upcycled magazine jewelry is creating paper beads. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Cut out long, triangular strips from the magazine pages. The width of the strip will determine the size of the bead.
2. Starting from the wider end, tightly roll the strip around a toothpick or a thin dowel. Apply glue along the edge to secure the bead.
3. Once the glue is dry, carefully slide the bead off the toothpick or dowel.
4. Repeat the process to create as many beads as you need for your jewelry piece.
5. To give the beads a polished look, you can apply a clear sealant or Mod Podge.

2. Quilling

Quilling is another technique that can be used to create intricate designs for upcycled magazine jewelry. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Cut out thin strips of magazine pages. The width of the strip will depend on the desired thickness of your quilling design.
2. Use a quilling tool or a toothpick to roll the strip into a tight coil.
3. Glue the end of the strip to secure the coil shape.
4. Experiment with different shapes and sizes by pinching and shaping the coil.
5. Once you have created various quilled shapes, you can arrange and glue them together to form earrings, pendants, or other jewelry pieces.

3. Paper Mache

Paper mache is a versatile technique that can be used to create unique and textured upcycled magazine jewelry. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Tear or cut magazine pages into small pieces.
2. Mix equal parts of water and glue to create a paper mache paste.
3. Dip the magazine pieces into the paste, making sure they are fully coated.
4. Apply the coated pieces onto a mold or a base shape, such as a balloon or a cardboard cutout.
5. Continue layering the coated pieces until you achieve the desired thickness and shape.
6. Allow the paper mache to dry completely before painting or decorating it.
7. Once dry, you can add jewelry findings to turn your paper mache creation into a wearable accessory.

Tips for Creating Upcycled Magazine Jewelry

– Experiment with different techniques and designs to create unique and personalized jewelry pieces.
– Consider combining upcycled magazine elements with other materials, such as beads or wire, to add variety and interest to your jewelry.
– Use a clear sealant or Mod Podge to protect your finished jewelry from wear and tear.
– Don’t be afraid to mix and match colors and patterns to create eye-catching designs.
– Take inspiration from nature, art, or fashion trends to create on-trend upcycled magazine jewelry.


Creating upcycled magazine jewelry is a fun and eco-friendly way to express your creativity and contribute to sustainable fashion. By using techniques such as paper beads, quilling, and paper mache, you can transform old magazines into unique and stylish accessories. Remember to gather all the necessary materials, experiment with different designs, and protect your finished jewelry with a clear sealant. With these techniques and tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating beautiful and environmentally conscious jewelry.

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