Categories: Questions and Answers

What are the techniques involved in creating upcycled magazine page jewelry?

Creating upcycled magazine page jewelry is a fun and eco-friendly way to repurpose old magazines and create unique accessories. This DIY craft allows you to transform colorful magazine pages into beautiful and sustainable jewelry pieces. In this article, we will explore the techniques involved in creating upcycled magazine page jewelry, providing you with step-by-step instructions and tips to get started.

Gather Your Materials

Before diving into the process of creating upcycled magazine page jewelry, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. Here’s what you’ll need:

– Old magazines: Look for magazines with colorful pages and interesting patterns. The more variety, the better.
– Scissors: A good pair of scissors will be essential for cutting out the desired shapes and patterns.
– Glue: Choose a non-toxic glue that dries clear and is suitable for paper crafts.
– Jewelry findings: These include jump rings, earring hooks, necklace chains, and clasps. You can find these at craft stores or online.
– Mod Podge (optional): Mod Podge is a sealant that can be used to protect and give a glossy finish to your jewelry pieces.

Cutting and Shaping

Once you have all your materials ready, it’s time to start cutting and shaping the magazine pages. Here’s how to do it:

1. Select the pages: Flip through the magazines and choose pages with colors and patterns that appeal to you. Consider the size and shape of the jewelry piece you want to create.

2. Cut out the shapes: Use your scissors to carefully cut out the desired shapes from the magazine pages. You can cut out circles, squares, triangles, or any other shape that suits your design.

3. Experiment with folding: To add dimension to your jewelry pieces, try folding the magazine pages in different ways. For example, you can fold strips of paper to create beads or fold squares to make origami-inspired shapes.

Assembling the Jewelry

Once you have cut out and shaped your magazine pages, it’s time to assemble them into jewelry pieces. Follow these steps:

1. Punch holes: Use a hole puncher to create holes in the magazine pieces where you want to attach jump rings or earring hooks. Make sure the holes are large enough to accommodate the findings.

2. Attach findings: Open the jump rings using pliers and attach them to the punched holes. You can then connect the jump rings to earring hooks, necklace chains, or clasps, depending on the type of jewelry you are making.

3. Secure with glue: Apply a small amount of glue to the back of the magazine piece to secure the jump rings and prevent them from slipping out. Be careful not to use too much glue, as it can make the paper soggy.

4. Optional: Seal with Mod Podge: If you want to give your jewelry pieces a glossy finish and make them more durable, you can apply a coat of Mod Podge. Simply brush a thin layer of Mod Podge over the front and back of the magazine pieces and let it dry completely.

Tips and Ideas

– Experiment with different shapes, sizes, and patterns to create a variety of upcycled magazine page jewelry.
– Combine magazine pages with other materials like beads, charms, or wire to add more interest to your designs.
– Consider using a jewelry template or stencil to create more intricate shapes.
– If you want to make your jewelry waterproof, you can use a waterproof sealant instead of Mod Podge.
– Don’t limit yourself to just jewelry. You can also create upcycled magazine page accessories like keychains, bookmarks, or hair accessories.


Creating upcycled magazine page jewelry is a fantastic way to express your creativity while also contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. By repurposing old magazines, you can make unique and eco-friendly accessories that are sure to turn heads. Follow the techniques outlined in this article, gather your materials, and start crafting your own handmade upcycled jewelry today. Let your imagination run wild and enjoy the process of transforming recycled paper into beautiful and sustainable accessories.

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