Categories: Questions and Answers

What is the process involved in creating recycled calendar jewelry?

Recycled calendar jewelry is a type of handmade recycled jewelry that is created by reusing old calendars. This unique recycled jewelry is becoming increasingly popular due to its eco-friendly nature, sustainability, and the fact that it is a form of upcycled jewelry. If you’re interested in creating recycled jewelry or just curious about the process behind it, this article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to make recycled calendar jewelry.

Materials Required for Creating Recycled Calendar Jewelry

Before diving into the process of creating recycled calendar jewelry, it’s essential to gather all the necessary materials. Here are the things you’ll need:

  • An old calendar with beautiful artwork or images
  • Scissors
  • Mod Podge or any other decoupage glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Jump rings
  • Earring wires
  • Necklace chains
  • Pliers

The Process of Creating Recycled Calendar Jewelry

Now that you have all the required materials, let’s dive into the process of creating recycled calendar jewelry.

Step 1: Choose the Image

The first step in creating recycled paper jewelry is selecting the image you want to use. Cut out the image from the calendar using scissors.

Step 2: Apply Mod Podge

Using a paintbrush, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge or any other decoupage glue on the back of the image. Ensure that the entire surface is covered with glue.

Step 3: Attach Jump Rings

Once the glue has dried, cut out the image in the desired shape using scissors. Use pliers to attach jump rings to the top of the image. This will allow you to attach earring wires or a necklace chain to the recycled paper jewelry.

Step 4: Attach Earring Wires or Necklace Chain

Attach earring wires to the jump rings if you’re making recycled calendar earrings. Alternatively, attach a necklace chain to the jump rings if you’re making recycled calendar necklace.

Advantages of Recycled Calendar Jewelry

Creating recycled calendar jewelry has several advantages that make it an excellent option for anyone interested in eco-friendly jewelry.

Environmentally Friendly

Recycled paper jewelry is an environmentally friendly option because it is made from old calendars that would have otherwise been thrown away. By reusing these calendars, you’re reducing waste and contributing to a cleaner planet.


Recycled calendar jewelry is a sustainable option because it is made from materials that already exist. This reduces the need for new resources and reduces the carbon footprint associated with creating new jewelry.


Each piece of recycled calendar jewelry is unique because it is made from a different calendar. This makes it a perfect option for anyone who wants a unique piece of jewelry that is one of a kind.


Creating recycled calendar jewelry is an excellent way to create unique jewelry while also contributing to a cleaner planet. It’s a simple process that requires only a few materials, making it an accessible option for anyone interested in making handmade recycled jewelry. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create your own beautiful and sustainable eco-friendly jewelry.

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