Apply Online For RBI Grade B Officer Recruitment 2018-2019

It is been a tough task to get hired in any of the public sector banks in India which includes some sturdy screening process. When comes to RBI recruitment, be with a part of it is a great honor also and that is one of the reasons why RBI’s assistant recruitment owns more popularity than the other similar ones like IBPS and SBI clerical. RBI Grade B officer recruitment is the other one which candidates keenly looking forward to not only because the name RBI but also the salary scale which RBI provides for this posts, It is almost 64k( which was 54k) Indian rupees which includes all the allowances, we have detailed the pay scale below.

RBI conducts Grade B officer recruitment once in every year, but with lesser number of vacancies when compared to other public sector bank hiring. It is a little bit different from the other recruitment process that it has following a 2-tier examination process where the others have only one, but from the previous year onwards IBPS walk behind with the same for their Clerical and PO. We are here to provide the complete details regarding RBI Grade B officer recruitment which includes Grade B eligibility, online application etc. No need to go anywhere else to keep updated about RBI Grade B.

When Is The Next RBI Grade B Recruitment In 2019?

Note: RBI has been officially announced the notification for their Grade B recruitment for the year 2019 and the online registrations are started today on May 3rd and will get closed on 23rd of May. Online application link and other details are given below.

As we mentioned earlier, Grade B officer recruitment will be conducted once in an year, but RBI will not foretell the examination dates and the other ones earlier. After watching the previous recruitment process, Grade B notification will be released after the 2nd quarter of the year, that means probably in the month of August or September. Don’t count this as the exact, just take it as an expected. Be with we will keep you updated.

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How Much Is The Salary (Pay Scale) Offered?

Before start preparing for RBI Grade B exams, make sure that you are eligible or not for the recruitment. Just a bachelor degree is not enough for RBI Grade B Officer posts, that is what the minimum criteria required for many others.

Are You Eligible?

Educational Qualifications and Minimum CGPA recquired.

Age Limit

Interesting aspect is that those who are doing their M.Phil. and Ph.D can also apply for this post with an addition of 2 and 4 years to the upper age limit respectively. You might be aware that in every recruitment notification there should be an eligibility date, Grade B Officer recruitment has also one, will be updated once RBI officially announced the notification. Please keep in mind that those who are in General Category attempted this exam for 6 times will be no more eligible to write again. Vacancy will probably be in between 125-150 which include reservations also, that is what the previous RBI recruitment says. There is no restriction to write this RBI exam even if you do meet with the eligibility criteria provided, document verification will be done along with the final phase (Interview).

Selection Structure

If you want to know RBI Grade B syllabus in detail for the year 2019, here it is.

We are getting some queries regarding which are the best practice books available to prepare for RBI grade B examinations 2019. Below we are providing quite a few which are good for RBI Grade B exams.

How To Apply Online

Online Application Form (Online registrations started on May 3rd and will be closed on 23rd of May)

Important Dates To Be Remembered for RBI Grade B Recruitment 2019

Note:* For those who are already registered and waiting to get your admit card downloaded, here is the official RBI link to download your admission letters for the applied examination. And if you are looking for the examination results, its here.

Once RBI released the notification officially and when the registration starts, the link mentioned above will be live. It will direct you to a registration page. Register it properly with valid E-mail and contact number, for the further process those will be needed. Keep in mind that while filling the form, do it correctly as written in your certificates/mark sheets. Once you filled the form, verify it again and then click on the Final Submit button. As the next step you will be asked to pay the fee. Fee payment details are given below.

If you want to know more about this recruitment, we request you to download the advertisement PDF provides and since the notification for the year 2019 has not been published, we are providing the previous recruitment file just for a reference.

Advertisement PDF

Help facility is available for candidates who are registering for RBI Grade B recruitment 2019 from IBPS itself, before registering a complaint regarding the recruitment we request you to carefully read all the instructions given in the advertisement. Here is the Candidate Grievance Redressal System.

You might be interested to know about RBI Assistant recruitment for the year 2019. We provided the complete details of it.

Are you interested to know when is the next RBI assistant recruitment 2019, if then, here is the details, further detail about the same which include online application link is shown here.

If you have queries regarding RBI Grade B exam 2019, feel free to ask via our comment section. We will reply you at the earliest as possible. If you are in need of the book to prepare, please ask us with the topic. We will let you know the proper reference material for it.

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