Types of Insomnia

Types of Insomnia

There are 3 different types of insomnia. Insomnia is a symptom of asleepingdisorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep andstaying asleep. It is 1.4times more prevalent in women than men.

  • Transient lasting from days toweeks caused by severe depression, stress, another disorder and timing ofsleep.
  • Acute – unable to consistentlysleep well and lasts from 3 weeksto 6 months.
  • Chronic insomnia goes on foryears. It can be caused by a number of factors.

There are also other forms of insomnia.

Secondary Insomnia

SecondaryInsomnia is different from primary insomnia because it usually causedby directly certain illnesses including the following:




Hot flashes


Enlarged prostates.





Also alcohol or caffeine can sometimes cause secondary insomnia.

Acute Insomnia.

AcuteInsomnia is mostly tied down to emotional issues.People suffering fromacute insomnia have short-term insomnia. Acute unable to consistentlysleep well and lasts from 3 weeksto 6 months.

Emotional issues that can cause acute insomnia include the following:

  • Illness
  • Mental Stress(Moving, Death, Loss of Job etc)
  • Enviromental issues such as exposure to light and extreme temperatures.

Transient Insomnia.

Asthe name suggest this kind of insomnia comes and goes, depending on theperiods when the individual has sleep problems. Transient lasting fromdays toweeks caused by severe depression, stress, another disorder andtiming ofsleep.

Chronic Insomnia.

Incontrast with acute insomnia, chronic insomnia describes long-termsleep disturbances. Insomnia lasting at least three nights aweek formore than a month are generally classified as chronic insomnia.Chronicinsomnia goes on foryears.

Common chronic insomnia causes are:

  • Stress
  • Depression and
  • Any sort of pain

Whatever form of insomnia you have it can be managed and even cured.

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