What are the Best Sleep Aids and Over the Counter Sleeping Tablets or Pills?

What are the Best Sleep Aids and Over the Counter Sleeping Tablets or Pills?

The best sleep aids for Insomnia, Children, Adults and Flights.

You probably have arrivedat this page because you are looking for information on the best sleep aids.

You are wondering andasking yourself,

  • Which is best for me?
  • Are the best sleep aids the one’s purchased over the counter?
  • Which sleeping tablets or pills should I use?

Alot of people are askingthese same question and they are right to beasking. The first question youshould be asking though is,“Whatis the cause of my sleep problems”?

Sometimesusing sleepingpills might be the wrong approach. In most casesinsomnia is just a symptom ofa deeper physical or emotional problem.

Clickhere to share your own sleeping solutions andfavorite sleeping aidswith visitors on this page! You can also read what others recommend.

Causesof sleep problemsrange from bad sleeping habits to wrong dieting toexcessive work habits, tohealth issues, jet lag and emotionalproblems.

Different problems need different solutions.

Thisis not to say thatsleeping pillsare not vital in treating your sleepproblems. What I am tryingto say is that you need to see a doctor tounderstand the underlying cause soas to know if swallowing sleep pillswill solve the problem.

Having said that, if youfeel thatsleeping pills is the best solution for you, the next question iswhichis the best sleeping aid to use?

What is the Best Sleeping Aid?

Sleep Aids can be broadlycategorized in to two.

Herbal (Natural) SleepAids and Sleeping Pills or drugs.

I have set up 3 pages onherbal sleep aids,overthe counter sleep aidsandinsomniadrugs.

These pages talk aboutsleep aids and all you need to know.

But I have found out thatuser experience most times is the best kind of knowledge that can be gained.

You’dbe surprise to know that your mattress plays an important role on yoursleeping habits. You can discover the best mattress for you withdetailed mattress reviews of all the top brands. MattressWiz.com is yoursource for expert, unbiased articles and reviews to help you find thebest mattresses.Find Best Mattresses With Mattress Reviews Today

Have a GreatHerbal or Natural Sleep Aid?

What is your favorite sleep aid? Does it have the side effects?
How long have you been using it? How about dosage?
Can you share your recipe with us? Does it have any side effects? How effective is it? Do you use it with kids?

Go Ahead… We are all waiting to learn from you.

What Other Visitors Have Said.

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