Authentic Mexican Food Recipes Overview
There is no food like Mexican.
Traditional Mexican food is not just tasteful but also very healthy and good for you and your loved ones. The reason for this is that the authentic Mexican food is rich in minerals and vitamins and low in fat and calories.
This may come as a surprise to many Americans that enjoy the Americanized Mexican food (Tex-Mex Food) that is prepared and served across the United States.
Even though Tex-Mex food has many similarities with the traditional Mexican food it also has some crucial differences such as some ingredients and the way the food is prepared.
The Secret of the Authentic Mexican Food Recipes
The secret of the authentic Mexican cuisine is the use of fresh food ingredients. Traditional Mexican food is prepared with the fresh ingredients and not with the frozen or caned food. Therefore if you would like to prepare and enjoy the authentic Mexican food you should forget about the canes and frozen food.
Of course sometimes we all need to make a compromise. Therefore if, for example, you don’t have time to cook the red kidney beans and the corn in order to prepare the great Mexican Doritos – Bean – Corn salad you can use caned bean and frozen corn however you shouldn’t make a habit out of it.
In this introductory article on the authentic Mexican food we will give you a representative taste of it. First you can find out how to prepare the very basic of the Mexican cuisine – Mexican salsa, and then you can prepare and enjoy very tasteful and healthy Mexican Chicken – Avocado salad.
Authentic Mexican Salsa Recipe
- 4 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
- 2 Onions, peeled and chopped
- 2 garlic gloves
- 3 oz (90gr) of chopped green chilies
- 1 Anaheim green chili
- 1/3 cup of fresh and chopped cilantro
- 1/3 cup of cold water
- 1 teaspoon of vine or apple vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of Mexican lime juiceDirections:
- cut the tomatoes and green chilies into relatively large pieces
- chop the onions, garlic and cilantros into very small pieces
- Mix the tomatoes, green chilies, onions, garlic and cilantros
- add Anaheim green chili, olive oil, vinegar and lime juice
- Just before serving add the cold water to cool the salsa Mexican Chicken – Avocado Salad
- 4 boneless chicken breasts
- 4 large tomatoes
- 2 Avocados
- 2 garlic gloves
- 2 onions
- 8 tablespoons of Mexican lime juice
- 2 tablespoons of Olive oil
- 2 cups of tortilla chips
- salt and pepper to tasteDirections:
- cook the chicken breasts, dice it and cool it with cold water
- Peel the tomatoes and dice them
- Peel the avocados, remove the seeds and dice them
- Chop the garlic and onion into small pieces
- Mix the tomatoes, avocados, onions, garlic and chicken cubes
- Mix in the olive oil and Mexican lime juice
- just before serving top it with tortilla chips
If you want to eat healthy foods and have a healthy and proactive life you should try these and many other authentic Mexican food recipes available on our website.
Remember that what you eat is what you are. In other words, foods you digest are the building blocks of your body. Therefore you should always take a special care of your diet.