Cancun Mexico

I Love Cancun Mexico

Last summer I went with my friends to Cancun in Mexico and it was wild.

I thought that there are no wild girls as American girls on a spring break in Cancun or Miami, but I was wrong.

The Cancun award for the wildest girls must go the wild Mexican girls because they are a force to be dealt with.

This is especially the case when the music is playing because the things that they do with their perfectly curved bodies are just overwhelming for the innocent bystanders such as me and my friends.

Fortunately for us, and you, is that in Cancun the music is playing all the time. Also the beaches are beautiful, the list of Mexican alcoholic drinks as well as the Nonalcoholic Mexican drinks is indefinite, the food is to die for as well as the chicas Mexicanas (Mexican chicks, girls, ladies).

Now, since Im a straight guy it feels funny to talk about the Mexican guys but I have to say that they are far more gentlemen than we are. Also, apparently all Mexican guys know how to dance, play an instrument, are really good in sports and know how to sing and entertain ladies. This is why we decided to hate them ;o)

I mean, common, Cancun Mexico is supposed to be our Mecca of getting with the ladies and having as much fun as possible, but it turned out that it is a Mecca for the Mexican guys getting our ladies. That is why we decided to return the favor and hookup with their ladies or as we like to call them the chicas Mexicanas.

However, we would advise you to think, at least twice, about hooking up with Mexican girls, especially if their brooders or cousins are nearby. Believe me Im telling you from the personal and painful experience.

Finally, I heard that there was a list of top 10 Mexican beaches but let me tell you that thats a wrong list for you to look for. Instead you should try to find out the top 10 wild Mexican tourists attractions, and Im not talking about the Mexican donkey show because thats just sick (no offence to the donkey lovers).

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