Facts About Mexico
List of Facts About Mexico
The full name of Mexico is The United Mexican States.The Mexicos capitol is Mexico City There is no official language in Mexico even though some 95% of Mexicans speak Spanish. However, there are also 62 Indigenous Amerindian languages that are recognized as national languages in Mexico.Population: around 112 million.Mexican Government: federal constitutional, presidential republic.The United Mexican States consists of thirty-one states.The Mexican Flag: The tricolor pattern of green, white and red with the Mexican Coat of Arms in the middle of the white stripe.The national symbol of Mexico is the Golden Eagle.Mexican Currency: Mexican PesoMexico is very popular tourist destination; so much so that is has one of the largest tourism industries in the World, according to the World Tourism Organization.One of the most interesting facts about Mexico is that it represents the largest source of immigration to the U.S. and that if that trend continues Mexicans, and Mexican Americans, will be majority in the south of the United States by the 2030.Mexican people are very religious and family oriented. Around 95% of Mexicans are Christians (90% Roman Catholics). However despite this fact there is no official religion in Mexico, as it is written in the 1917 Constitution of Mexico. Mexico won its independence in 1821 after ten year long war for independence against the Spain and Spanish supporters.Mexico has a very respectful military and it invests greatly in its advancement, infrastructure, factories, research centers and personnel.With the exception of World War II Mexico has been neutral in international conflicts because that is against the Mexicos Constitution.Traditional Mexican Food: Mexican food is World famous due to its diversity, varied flavors, variety of spices and colorful decorations.Traditional Mexican Drink: the most famous traditional Mexican drink is Tequila which is one of the trademarks of Mexico and an alcoholic drink that is enjoyed by millions, if not billions, of people around the World.The biggest Mexican challenge: drug cartels and drug related violence.
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