Daisy waiting patiently to talk about dogs.
Daisy waiting patiently to talk about dogs.
Daisy waiting patiently to be trained.
Training your puppy may seem like a lot of work, but it is one of the best things you can do – for both of you. Dogs are pack animals by instinct, and your puppy will see you as the head of her new pack or family. Training helps reinforce your position as leader as well as build that very special bond with your furry family member.
The goal of this website is to give you the tools to raise a dog that grows up to be a contributing member of the family – one that behaves not because it was forced or “bribed” to, but because she wants to. Many people think “training the dog” consists of “conveying” a list of commands through hitting, yanking, and scolding. However, everything you read on this page will be taught with “positive reinforcement”and “remote punishment”,dogs are infinitely complicated beings capable of solving a vast range of problems!