Good housetraining is done through prevention, not correction. – – Training Dogs

Good house training is done through prevention

В Teach the pup where to go.

Go out with pup every time and enthusiastically praise elimination in the desired area.

Exercise stimulates elimination, don’t just stand there, walk.

Teach the pup to go on command by cheerfully saying “Hurry Up, go potty, or do your business” as she eliminates.

Good house training is done through prevention

Good house training is predictable.

Offer food 2 or 3 times each day at the same time.

Only leave the food down for 20 minutes.

Take the water bowl up, up 1 to 2 hours prior to bedtime.

Maintain a consistent feeding and elimination schedule.

Good house training is best not done by correction alone

Confine/supervise (small room, crate, or tie-down).

Use a leash indoors to help supervise the pup and help it learn to signal when it has to eliminate.

Only scold the puppy if you catch it in the act of soiling indoors.

Never scold a pup which urinates when greeted or petted, leave it aloneВ  and let it approach you.

Until the pup has completed 4 consecutive weeks without soiling anywhere in the house, it should be within eyesight of a family member or confined at all times.

  • Simple Steps for Housebreaking Indoor Pets
  • RAGE Rescue of the Week: Mr. Bean
  • Ask the Dog Trainer: House training requires confinement, supervision
  • Using Bells to Indicate Need to Go Outside to Eliminate!
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