Bucket-headed dog (Photo credit: Paul Kidd)
How extensive is your dogs vocabulary?
Only use a command for one behavior you teach e g. don’t use “Down” to tell the pup to lie down, and “down” to stop jumping on people or getting off the couch.                            One—word commands are always the most powerful!                   How extensive is your dogs vocabulary?     Your dog may not always associate “NO” with the behavior you are talking about.                   It is a better way of getting your message across than prolonged dialogue.                                                  It’s easy to talk too much to your puppy.                                             If you do, the command you are trying to teach gets lost in all the other words.         When teaching a command, you must carefully link the word with the action desired.         For the pup to learn, you have to link word with action within seconds.     Because to try to explain to even the smartest pup later is not in their vocabulary.                        How extensive is your dogs vocabulary?                    Commands = action, either the dog’s response or your enforcement.               Say commands once, enforce all commands immediately, praise enthusiastically, and practice.                                                            How extensive is your dogs vocabulary?