Lily’s Predictable behavior. – – Training Dogs

Most puppy behaviors are predictable.




First, elimination ….. After sleeping, 10 minutes into playing, getting out of crate, giving potty command or when she gets excited. Try taking up the water bowl one hour before going to bed, and going “potty” at bedtime also.

Next, chewing……  If Lily has access to something, she will chew on it.  Puppy proofing is your responsibility.  Be vigilant.

Think about her short attention span……. She doesn’t have the physical/mental stamina of adult dogs. When an animal is learning a new behavior it will make mistakes. Puppies tend to be far more erratic than adults. Don’t panic if your puppy is not an obedience robot -she isn’t supposed to be.

Because she is easily distracted ….. You must think ahead and take precautions, including a judicious amount of supervision and confinement, in order to prevent her from failing.




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