Some ways to make your dog smile.
THE SHELL GAME– Play the classic slight of hand game using 3 cups and a treat.Depending on your pets breed your pet may have a sight or smell advaantage В Rearrange the cups В and see if your furry friend can find the treat.
TEACH YOUR DOG TO ACTUALLY SMILE ON COMMAND– Start by lifting your dogs lips to look at her teeth and repeat the word “Smile” several times. With repetition your dog will actually curl her lips when given the command  to “Smile”.
BOBBING FOR TREATS– Toss toys and/or treats into a shallow child pool with water or sand. Be prepared with towels afterwards.
Some ways to make your dog smile.
TOP NOTCH MASSAGE– That bony part on the top of your dogs head has been called by experts to be the dogs antennae ofor mystical energies. It should be massaged regularly for the best reception.
BRING YOUR DOG TO WORK DAY– What is more exciting than the new smells and attention of the people you work with. Your dog will realize  why you go there all the time.
RUB THE DOG THE WRONG WAY –Rub your pets fur against the grain. She will love it.
SomeВ ways to make your dog smile.
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Bucket-headed dog (Photo credit: Paul Kidd)