Training does not end in 1 obedience course. – – Training Dogs


Shy Molly…


To get consistent reliability at home, keep integrating training into every activity that Rose, enjoys. Train in all rooms, environments. situations. If you use commands frequently around the house, Rose will develop an almost automatic response to them, and you will come to expect immediate obedience.

Training does not end in 1 obedience course.

Training must go on for the rest of Rose’s life. Behavior never remains the same; it is always changing,  sometimes  for the better and sometimes for the worse. No matters how friendly and well behaved, she will continue  socializing and training; there is always room for improvement. Perfection is a worthy yet elusive goal. Moreover, if Rose’s education is discontinued, her demeanor will likely deteriorate. She may become a delinquent virtually overnight when it collides with adolescence, or she may become crotchety during old age.

Training does not end in 1 obedience course.

           Attend adult obedience training. By 6 months of �age, her attention �span is longer and training can become more intense. �Here you can continue to build on what you’ve. taught Rose.’ In addition, you learn many new exercises and eventually gain off-leash control, and. your dog’s reliability around distractions will increase. There is no substitute for having a qualified instructor handy to answer your questions and help you avoid problems.    Rose isn’t fully trained until she can carry out commands �amid dogs, people and other distractions. Class sessions provide this necessary ingredient for proper training.

В В В В В В В В В В В  Training does not end in 1 obedience course.

            Now Rose is only as good as her owner. YOU are the key to your dog’s behavior. An obedient, well—behaved dog is a good canine citizen and a welcome companion and family member, as well as the positive reflection of a. responsible pet owner.



           Note that biting is not the only action a dog can take that would impose liability on the owner. Under most modern statutes, any action that results in an injury would be sufficient reason. This would include scratching, jumping on, nipping, and so forth. Although these behaviors may constitute normal animal exuberance, they can create a liability situation. Remember that, under the law, you take your victims as you find them… Whether your neighbor is an athletic 20—year-old or a 92— year-old lady with arthritis your dog needs to be trained not to jump and leap in greeting. A little obedience training and control of your dog will go a long way and protect you and your dog. Essentially today’s social and political environment is not animal friendly, and all owners need to be very, very careful in the maintenance of their animals.










  • Effective Obedience Training For Dogs
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