Daisy waiting patiently to be trained.
Dogs need Patience,Persistence, Practice & Praise
The P that doesn’t belong –Punishment.Be patient with your puppy-dog. As you develop a family bond, your efforts will be more and more successful. Your puppy-dog is full of fun, and it will take some time to get her used to the idea of following commands. This is where lots of practice and gentle persistence really pays off. Also Play is important because it helps develop confidence.
First…Have fun–Good training is fun, fair, firm
Dogs are very tuned into your emotions, so if you are having fun, so will she. If you come home and crawl in bed after a exhausting day, she will crawl in with you to comfort you. Likewise if you come home from work and are yelling and mad, let the lesson go for awhile, or Daisy will think you are mad at her.
Second…Don’t take good behaviors for granted
Think about it and actively look for and praise desired behaviors. This is the only way Daisy will learn what you want her to do.В Whatever behavior is occurring the moment she receives a reward, is behavior that is likely to occur again. Remember, what you reward is what you will get. Behavior rewarded is behavior repeated, whether treats or praise, anything Daisy likes enough to change her behavior to get. It can be verbal (praise), physical (petting/play), or material (food treats, toys.) Believe me, Daisy will tell you what she likes best.
Third and most important…Set Daisy up to succeed– don’t ask for more than she can give. If you expect a young pup especially to come when she is barking at a squirrel, you’ve asked her to do an almost Herculean task. It’s even worse to call her over and over again, because you have not only set her up to fail several times in a row, but you have taught her, to ignore you. You can also set her up to fail, if you train too long. Daisy’s attention span is only 1/2 second, so 10 minutes training, 20 minutes play is best.