KNUST IDL Sale Of Admissions Application Forms For 2018 Selected Programmes

KNUST IDL Sale Of Admissions Application Forms For 2018 Selected Programmes

The Institute ofDistance Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science andTechnology, Kumasi, wishes to inform prospective students and the general public that Application Forms for Admission to the following selected Postgraduate (Doctorate, MSc, Professional Engineering), Undergraduate Top-Up, and Diploma Programmesof the University through the Distance Learning Mode for the 2017/2018 Academic Year are now on Sale. Successful applicants will start in January 2018.


  1. Postgraduate Degree Programmes
    1. Doctor ofBusinessAdministration (DBA)
    2. MSc Mechanical Engineering
    3. MSc Agribusiness Management


  1. Professional Engineering Programmes
  1. MEng in Oil and Gas with Management (Mid and Downstream)
  2. MEng in Industrial Operations with Management
  3. MEng in Building Services Engineering with Management
  4. MEng in Energy Systems Engineering with Management
  5. MEng in Municipal Engineering with Management
  6. MEng in Information and Communication Technology with Management.


  1. Undergraduate Top Up Programmes (2.5 years):
  1. BSc Civil Engineering
  2. BSc. Geomatic Engineering
  3. BSc. Agricultural Engineering
  4. BSc. Mechanical Engineering
  5. BSc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  6. BSc. Telecommunication Engineering
  7. BSc. Computer Engineering
  8. BSc. Petroleum Engineering (online only)
  9. BSc. Chemical Engineering (online only)


  1. 2 – Year Undergraduate Diploma Programmes
  1. Diploma inBusinessAdministration
  2. Diploma in Information Technology
  3. Diploma in Horticulture
  4. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  5. Diploma in Computer Network Engineering
  6. Diploma In Computational Data Analysis ForBusinessAndFinance



  1. TheAccraCity Campus, Kwabenya and Takoradi Campus – Kansawrodo, will also run a WEEKDAY SESSION (MONDAY – FRIDAY), for all the 2-Year Diploma Programmes.
  2. Applicants choosing either Accra or Takoradi Centres should kindly indicate their preference (Weekday or Weekend)



Doctor of Business Administration (DBA):

DBA is equivalent to PhDprogramme, in the sense that both doctorates are research doctorates representing the highest academic qualification in business and management. However, a unique feature of the DBA programme is that it is more oriented towards applied research rather than theoretical research, especially during the thesis writing phase. The DBA programme will be problem based researchwhereby the students will be required to identify specific problem within an industry and research into the problem and come out with a solution.

The specific objectives of the DBA programmes includes to:

  1. Develop high calibre, well-rounded practitioners, with specialized knowledge in business disciplines and professional competencies;
  2. Contribute to enquiry, development and synthesis of new knowledge in the theory and practice of management and business;
  3. Develop internationally/regionally/nationally, recognized independent research that contributes to the frontiers of knowledge in business disciplines;
  4. Undertake critical examination and analysis of contemporary and emerging issues in management;
  5. Apply managerial knowledge and expertise in solving societal problems; and
  6. Create linkages between the university, government and industry.


The DBA programme focuses on the following areas; Accounting, Finance,Marketing, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management and Organization Development, Logistics and Supply Chain Management or Management Information Systems.


General Entry Requirements For All Doctorate Applicants:

  1. All Applicants must possess an Honours Degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division from a recognized University or institution of higher learning.
  2. All Applicants shall hold Master’s degree in relevant subject areas in business and management (e.g., MSc/MA/MBA in Business Administration) from a recognized University or institution of higher learning.
  3. All Applicants must attend and pass interview sessions conducted by the appropriate Department for the programme being applied for.
  4. All Applicants must have a minimum of five (5) years working experience at the managerial level


Duration of DBA :    DBA study shall be three (3) years.


MSc in Mechanical Engineering (by Distance Learning)

The aim of the programme is to train a critical mass of high-level professional engineering manpower that will provide leadership and innovation in both the public and private sector industry withinGhanaand abroad. In order to achieve the above goal, well-motivated Applicants with excellent and relevant undergraduate preparation are being invited to apply to be part of this well designed and innovative postgraduate programme.

The programme options will cover the following:

  1. Design Manufacturing and Applied Mechanics Engineering
  2. Thermal Science and Energy Systems Engineering, and
  3. Industrial Engineering

Entry Requirements for MSc in Mechanical Engineering

  1. First degree, preferably First or Second Class Upper Division, in Mechanical Engineering or an allied discipline from a recognised university
  2. The Departmental Board may consider Applicants with Second Class Lower Division in special cases through an interview in line with the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies of the University.


MSc in Agribusiness Management (by Distance Learning)

Agribusiness represents all business activities related to input supply, production, processing, finance, marketing and distribution of food and agricultural products. It also embraces issues in value addition such as food safety and quality assurance that are not addressed ingeneral businessprogramme. The academic discipline of agribusiness combines theories and methods in finance, marketing and management to address agricultural issues. The Master of Science degree in Agribusiness Management is designed to equip students with analytical business skills that fulfil the unique demands of the agribusiness industry. The focus of this programme is to produce competent individuals who are knowledgeable in the theory and practice of agribusiness management.

Entry Requirements for MSc in Mechanical Engineering

  1. First degree, preferably First or Second Class Upper Division, in Agribusiness Management, Agriculture and relevant subject areas from approved University or Institution of Higher Learning.
  2. The Departmental Board would consider Applicants with Second Class Lower Division through an interview in line with the requirements ofKNUSTSchool of Graduate Studies.
  3. Relevant academic, administrative or field experience will be an advantage but not a prerequisite.
  4. Applicants must have a thorough proficiency in written and spoken English.


Professional Engineering Programmes

  1. MEng in Oil and Gas with Management (Mid and Downstream)
  2. MEng in Industrial Operations with Management
  3. MEng in Building Services Engineering with Management
  4. MEng Energy Systems Engineering with Management
  5. MEng in Municipal Engineering with Management
  6. MEng in Information and Communication Technology with Management.


General Entry Requirements For All Professional Engineering Programmes

  1. Applicants should have at least four years of post-graduation work experience in the relevant engineering field;
  2. Applicants with 1st Class or a very good 2nd Class Upper with minimum of two years of working experience may be considered;
  3. Have an active membership or associate membership of theGhanaInstitution of Engineers or other related and recognized professional institution.


Specific Entry Requirements For Professional Engineering Programmes

  1. MEng in Oil and Gas with Management (Mid and Downstream)
  1. Possesses a BSc or B-Tech degree in chemical process and other engineering disciplines from a recognized university;


  1. MEng in Industrial Operations with Management
  1. Possesses a BSc or B-Tech degree in engineering disciplines from a recognized university;


  1. MEng in Building Services Engineering with Management
  1. Possesses a BSc or B-Tech degree in engineering disciplines from a recognized university;


  1. MEng Energy Systems Engineering with Management
  1. Possesses a BSc or B-Tech degree in mechanical engineering or energy related engineering disciplines from a recognized university;


  1. MEng in Municipal Engineering with Management
  1. Applicant must possess a BSc or B-Tech degree in Civil Engineering, Environmental, Sanitary and Municipal engineering or Building Technology from a recognized university;
  2. Applicants may have to pass a selection interview to be admitted into the programme.


  1. MEng in Information and Communication Technology with Management.
  1. Applicants must possess a BSc or B.Tech degree in Computer, Electrical or Telecommunication Engineering from a recognized University;


Duration Of Professional Engineering Programmes

The professional engineering programmes are MODULAR and the modules will be run in the ON WEEKENDS ONLY. The programme will cover 12 Calendar Months.

FEES: The Professional Engineering programmes are full fee paying

Date of Commencement: The programmes will start in January 2018.

  1. Entry Requirements for UndergraduateTop-Up Programmes(2.5 years)


  1. BSc. Geomatic Engineering
  • HND in Surveying or Diploma in Geodetic/Geomatic Engineering or its equivalent from an accredited institution
  1. BSc. Agricultural Engineering
  • HND in Agricultural Engineering or its equivalent Diploma certificate from an accredited institution


  1. BSc. Mechanical Engineering
  • HND or its equivalent Diploma Certificate from an accredited institution in any of the following Mechanical Engineering disciplines:
  1. Production Engineering
  2. Plant Engineering
  3. Automobile Engineering
  4. Refrigeration and Air- Conditioning
  5. Foundry Technology


  1. BSc. Computer Engineering
  • HND in Computer Engineering/Electrical and Electronic Engineering or Telecommunication Engineering or an equivalent Diploma certificate


  1. BSc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  1. HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering


  1. BSc. Telecommunication Engineering
  1. HND in Telecommunication Engineering


  1. BSc. Petroleum Engineering (online only)
  1. HND in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
  2. First Degree in Engineering,Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.


  1. BSc. Chemical Engineering (online only)
  • HND or its equivalent in Chemical Engineering


  1. BSc Civil Engineering

The programme seeks to upgradeHND Civil Engineeringand Diploma in Civil Engineering certificate holders to BSc Level. Entry requirements are:

  1. A minimum of Second Class Upper Division in HND from a recognised Polytechnic;
  2. A minimum of equivalent of Second Class Upper in Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised institution
  3. A minimum of 2 years post-qualification experience in relevant field of work.


  1. Entry Requirements for 2 – Year Undergraduate Diploma Programmes


General Entry Requirements for All Diploma Programmes

  1. WASSCE passes (A1-E8) in five (5) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects, that is, English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus two (2) elective subjects in the area of study.
  2. SSSCE passes (A–E) in five (5) subjects comprising three (3) core subjects, that is, English Language, Integrated Science and Mathematics plus two (2) elective subjects in the area of study.
  3. General Certificate ofEducation (G.C.E) ‘A’ Level with passes in Two (2) subjects with grades not lower than E. In addition, Applicants must possess passes at the G.C.E ‘O’ Level in Mathematics, General Science/Agriculture/HealthScience and English.
  4. General Certificate ofEducation(G.C.E) ‘O’ Level with a minimum of five passes (1-8) in five (5) subjects including English Language, General Science and Mathematics.
  5. Advance Business Certificate Examination (ABCE): Passes in Three subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Applicants must have credit passes in five subjects including English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science in the General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE)


  1. ACCESS COURSE for Diploma Applicants

All WASSCE Applicants with D7 and E8 in the Core Subjects would be required to participate and pass the Institute’s Access Course. Applicants with F9 in any of the Core Subjects are not qualified.


Specific Entry Requirements for Diploma Programmes

  1. Diploma in Business Administration

In addition to the above, Applicants with the following qualification may apply.

  1. General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) or RSA Stage II with Grade A-D in five (5) subjects including Accounting, Business Management, English Language and Mathematics
  2. Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE) or RSA Stage III with passes in three (3) subjects including Financial Accounting and Economics with grades D or better.
  3. Applicants with Diploma in Business Studies DBS should in addition, possess four (4) passes in WASSCE (A1-E8)  including English and Mathematics.


  1. Diploma in Information Technology

Other Requirements

  1. For SSSCE/WASSCE Candidates: Preference will be given to those with both Elective Mathematics and ICT.
  2. For SSSCE/WASSCE Applicants (irrespective of option) who have done additional certificate courses in accredited institutions like NIIT, IPMC, Blue Crest, etc may apply.
  3. ‘A’ Level Candidates: Must have GCE ‘O’ level certificate with Credits in at least FIVE subjects including Mathematics and English Language. Must also have Two passes at the Advance Level.
  4. MATURE Applicants Must be at least 25 years at the time of applying; should possess GCE O’ Level Certificate with Credits in at least FIVE subjects including English and Mathematics. Possession of A’ Level Certificate will be an added advantage. Applicants will be required to show proof of age with birth certificate or any legitimate documentary proof of birth date which is at least five years old. Applicants will take entrance exams.


  1. Diploma in Horticulture

Other Requirements

  1. For WASSCE and SSSCE Applicants, the elective subjects should be in Biology/General Agriculture/Chemistry, or Physics/Mathematics
  2. Certificate Holders from any of the Agricultural Colleges in the country, such as Kwadaso, Ohawo, Nyanpkala or Wenchi, etc or relevant institution, may also apply.
  3. For G.C.E Ordinary Level Candidates, in addition to the general requirements listed above, applicants should have passes in Physics, Chemistry and/or Biology or Agricultural Science/General Science and any other subject.
  4. G.C.E Advanced Level should obtain passes (A-D) in Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics and Biology or Agricultural Science.


  1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Other Requirements

  1. For WASSCE/ SSSCE Applicants, in addition to the general entry requirement above, Applicants with passes in Elective Mathematics, Elective Physics and any one of the following may apply:
    1. Chemistry
    2. Metal Work
    3. Auto Mechanic
    4. Applied Electricity
    5. Technical Drawing and Engineering Science


  1. WASSCE/ SSSCE Applicants without Chemistry should have obtained at least a B3 in Integrated Science.
  2. Mechanical Engineering Technician Part 3 Applicants, must have obtained passes in all MET III courses
  3. Motor Vehicle Technicians Part III Applicants must have obtained passes in all the MVT III courses


  1. Diploma in Computer Network Engineering

The following category of people can apply

  1. For WASSCE/ SSSCE Applicants in addition to the general entry requirements above, Applicants should have at least passes (A1-E8/A-E) in two (2) elective subjects: Physics, Elective Mathematics and EITHER Chemistry, Applied Electricity or Electronics
  2. A Level Applicants should have passes (A-E) in Advance Level in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  3. Mature Applicants should have
    1. As in (i) above or
    2. As in (ii) above or
    3. HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a minimum of three (3) years working experience in a relevant field.
    4. Additionally, a candidate should be at least twenty-five (25) years and above at the time of application
    5. Where the Department of Computer Engineering conducts an examination as basis for short-listing, a candidate must pass.


  1. Diploma In Computational Data Analysis For Business And Finance

A sound knowledge of mathematical and statistical methods coupled with computing is in ever growing demand in various government organisations, ranging from business to education, and in such diverse fields including finance,public healthand manufacturing. Despite the demonstrated and continuing demand for specialists trained in mathematics and statistics, most university/collegegraduatesdo not acquire adequate skills in their diplomas and/or bachelor’s degrees education to function efficiently at workplaces. The programme aims to provide students with the necessary analytical and data modelling skills for the preparation of roles of a data scientist, or business/financial analyst.

The following category of people can apply

  1. WASSCE/ SSSCE Applicants: Passes in the following Core English, Mathematics and Integrated Science and three (3) relevant electives.
  2. GBCE/ABCE/O/A Level Applicants: Five (5) GBCE passes or 5 GCE Ordinary Level credits including English Language and Mathematics.
  3. Technician Part II/III Certificate Holders: Technician Part II/III Certificate holders with four (4) SSSCE/WASSCE passes including English Language and Mathematics.
  4. Mature Applicants: Mature Applicants must be 25 years old and must have five (5) GCE O’ Level Credits/GBCE passes including English Language and Mathematics. Must pass a written examination and an interview.
  5. ICA Part I/DBS Holders: Four (4) SSSCE/WASSCE passes including English Language and Mathematics (plus at least two (2) DBS passes for DBS applicants).


  1. ACCESS COURSE for Nurses
    1. Admission into Pre-Bridging Programme for Certificate Holders fromHealthTraining Institutions. (ACCESS COURSE)

Access Course is being organised for holders of Certificates in any of the following:

  1. Health Assistants Clinical (HAC)
  2. Post-Basic Midwifery
  3. Community HealthNurses (CHN)


  1. Holders of the above mentioned Certificates or any other certificate from institutions that are not accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana should not apply.
  2. The Nurses Access Course is for Applicants with shortcomings regarding entry requirement into Nursing Diploma Programme.
  3. The Access Course will start in January 2018.


Cost of Application Form

E-voucher cost is as follows:

  1. The Doctorate Programme (DBA) is GH¢ 250.00 for Ghanaian Applicants and $250 for Foreign Applicants
  2. Postgraduate Programmes (MSc and MEng) GH¢ 250.00 for Ghanaian Applicants and $250 for Foreign Applicants
  3. All Undergraduate Programmes (All Top-Ups)- GH¢ 190.00 for Ghanaian Applicants and $190 for Foreign Applicants
  4. Diploma Programmes/Access Course for Nurses &Others – Purchase BANKER’S DRAFT of GH¢ 150.00 payable to KNUST Institute of Distance Learning (KNUST-IDL)


PLEASE NOTE: Programmes would be mounted depending on the number of qualified applicants per Centre.

How to Apply

Applicants SHOULD Carefully Read All the Following Instructions To The End Before Starting The Application Process.

  1. Applicants for Doctorate, Postgraduate (MSc & MEng), and Undergraduate Top-Up, should purchase an Online Application e-voucher from GCB Bank, Ecobank andUniBank, and then APPLY ONLINE. Applicants should follow carefully the instructions on the voucher.
  2. Applicants for Diploma Programmes and Nursing Access Programme should visit any Bank of their choice and purchase GH¢ 150.00 Bankers’ Draft, payable to KNUST Institute of Distance Learning; and submit the Bank Draft at any of the under listed IDL Centres for their e-vouchers and then proceed to APPLY ONLINE:
  • KUMASI– The Office of the Director, Institute of Distance Learning, Caseley Hayford, KNUST Campus, Tel 024 727 4661 or 032 249 1138 or 050 048 2885 or 020 659 0845
  • ACCRA– Old KNUST Guest House near ECO-BANK Head Quarters; contact Michael on Tel. 050 048 2875 or KNUST Accra City Campus, Kwabenya; contact Luke on Tel: 054 692 4824 .
  • SUNYANI– Univ. of Energy and Natural Resources. Contact Mr. Alfred Appiah on Tel: 050 048 2877
  • TECHIMAN-BACCSOD Techiman Branch Office, Contact Mr. Toura on 020 578 2024
  • HOHo Polytechnic, Volta Region, Contact: Mr. Elvis Emmanuel Aboagye, Tel 050 048 2873
  • TAKORADI– Takoradi Polytechnic, Contact: Mr. Opintan-Baah, Tel 050 048 2883
  • KOFORIDUA– Gratis Foundation; Contact Ms Fedelia 050 048 2874
  • TAMALETamale Polytechnic, Contact Dr. Abubakari Abdul-Razak, Tel. 0500482879
  • BOLGATANGA– Bolga Secondary School, Contact Mr. Zoogah Mukasa, Tel. 050 048 2880/020 828 8666
  • WA Centre: Jihann Training College, Contact Mr. Dominic Wanaa, Tel. 050 048 2878
  • TARKWA, Contact Mr. Kenneth Twumasi on Tel. 0247845460 or 050 126 1054
  • CAPE COAST: Cape Coast Polytechnic, Contact Mr. K. A. Simpson, Tel. 0500482882
  • AKOSOMBO: Mr. Moses A. Korda Tel. 0500482881


NOTEInterested Applicants from Hohoe, Jasikan, Kpando, Kadjebi, Worawora and its environs should kindly contact Mrs Joy Amankwa on 024 336 6259 for assistance.


  1. All Applicants SHOULD visit (Admission Portal) and complete an Online Application using the e-voucher provided.
  2. Applicants for Postgraduate Programmes (Doctorate, MSc & Professional Engineering) Must Include in Their Application pack Certified True Copies of their Certificates and 2 Referees’ Report.
  3. Applicants Must Ensure That They Purchase Distance Learning Forms and NOT Regular KNUST Forms To Avoid Complication.
  4. Only Results and/or Documents Provided By Applicants At The Time Of Submission Of Their Applications Shall Be Considered.
  5. Two (2) copies COMPLETED ONLINE FORMS should be printed and posted using EMS envelope and should reach: The Director, Institute Of Distance Learning, Caseley Hayford Building, KNUST-Kumasi, Ghana by MONDAY, 4TH DECEMBER, 2017
  6. Facilitation may be a blend of online and face-to-face sessions on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) at the proposed Centres mentioned above.
  7. FOR MORE INFORMATION and in depth knowledge about the Programmes,Call 024 727 4661 or  032 249 1138 or 050 048 2885
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