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Department of Fashion Design and Textiles Education

Department of Fashion Design and Textiles Education


The Department is one of the two newly-created outfits under the Faculty of VocationalEducation.



To educate teachers competently inFashionDesign and TextilesTechnologyEducationfor all levels of education as well as conduct research, disseminate knowledge and contribute to educational policy and development.



The total staff strength of the Department during the year under review was nine (9) comprising one seniorlecturer, two lecturers, four part-time lectures one senior Administrative Assistant and a workshop technician. One lecturer has been granted study leave to pursue a PhDprogrammein Fashion Design.


Staff Requirements:

The Department requires staff with specialization in Fashion.



The Department runs the following programmes:

B.Sc. (Fashion) – Regular and Distance

  1. Tech. Ed. (Fashion) – Sandwich



Ho Polytechnic(Ho) and BlueCrest College (AccraCampus) have sought affiliation of their B.Tech programmes in Fashion Design with the Department and the plan towards the collaboration is at an advanced stage.



Introduction of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) programme



Inadequate academic staff

Lack of office accommodation


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