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KNUST Textiles Exhibition and Fashion Week Launched

KNUST Textiles Exhibition and Fashion Week Launched

Published:15 Apr 2016Source:University Relations Office (URO)

As part of the Department of Industrial Art’s restructuringprogrammeand in line with its vision which is towards sustainable development in teaching and research to enhance its visibility, the Textiles Section has launched its maiden edition ofKNUSTTextiles Exhibition andFashionShow. The launching took place at the KNUST Museum on 4thApril, 2016 with the theme, “Awakening.” It is a five-day event which will end on 8thApril, 2016.

The programme is aimed at showcasing up-and-coming talents and innovative works of the graduating students of the department to the university community and the general public as a means of awakening the nation to the importance of establishing a vibrant and a competitive fashion industry.

Dr. Ebenezer Howard, Head of Department, stated that the various sections of the Department-Metal Product Design and Ceramics-organized exhibitions and conferences and also participated in trade fairs to disseminate their research findings and showcase their products to the general public. He said that in pursuance of the review and expansion agenda to make theprogrammescompetitive and relevant to  industry and current global trends, the department has taken advantage of the on-going reaccreditation process to restructure its textiles component of the programme to create a fourth option in Fashion Design.

He noted that as a developing nation it had become economically prudent and timely to establish our own fashion industry and strive to be at the forefront in fashion prediction and trends in the sub-region rather than to follow the fashion culture of the Western world. He added that the responsibility rested on the institutions of higher learning that run textiles and fashion programmes, and for that matter KNUST, the leader in Science andTechnologyeducationin the sub-region, to set the pace and champion such a national agenda.

Dr. Patrick Osei Poku, Dean of Faculty of Art, commended the department for displaying the artworks with which the Fashion show will be held on Friday. He stated that the Art programmes were unique because they portrayed practical works which were visual for people to view and appreciate. He hoped that the artists would be at post to interpret their works to the people during the exhibition. He urged the final year students of the department to make use of the entrepreneurial skills they have acquired in setting up their own businesses.

Professor Edward Badu, Provost of the College of Art and Built Environment, stated that the theme was appropriate because the exhibition was an awakening. He hoped that through the exhibition, investors would purchase fine artworks which would improve the financial situation of the department.

Professor William Otoo Ellis, Vice-Chancellor of KNUST, applauded Dr. Howard for   portraying the art works for the general public to appreciate. He also congratulated the Textiles Section for such a historic achievement. He stated that KNUST had the most talented and creative students and therefore, urged the students to work hard since they possessed all the resources needed to be innovative.

He encouraged the senior members of the department to raise the Fashion Unit to a higher pedestal and follow laid down protocols of the university. He later challenged the students to put across the fashion sense wherever they found themselves.

He encouraged the department to organize training programmes and workshops for artisans. He continually hammered the point of making the Kumasi Metropolis a fashion hub. He formally launched the first KNUST Textiles Exhibition and Fashion Show.

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