Culture Shock L.A. 6th H4: Hip Hop Has History Conference

Culture Shock L.A.'s 6th Annual H4: Hip Hop Has History conference takes place Sunday, February 27, 2011, in Torrance. Event flyer attached....

Feb 6, 2011 (last updated: Feb 10, 2011)

Culture ShockL.A.’s6th AnnualH4: Hip Hop Has History conference includes a full day of dance classes, a panel discussion, and dance battles. Class styles include commercial hip hop, breaking, locking, house, and more.

In addition, Culture Shock will present the annual 2011H4Community Leader Award, which recognizes “individuals who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the advancement of the hip hop arts within the community, and whose work and dedication have served as an inspiration to others.”

The conference is on Sunday, February 27, at the Torrance Cultural Arts Center, 10 am-10 pm.

Event Flyer, Instructors, and Details

See below for event flyer, confirmed dance instructors, panel discussion topic and participants, and other details!


  • $30 full day presale ($35 after February 14).
  • $14 per single class, $5 for battles only.
  • Group rates are available.



Further Information

  • (310) 918-7193

6th AnnualH4: Hip Hop Has History Conference Flyer (PDF)

Flyer Front

Flyer Back

Flyer Courtesy of Culture ShockL.A.

Confirmed H4 Instructors (as of February 6)

Rino and Maryss – Beat Freaks (Commercial)
Jet Li – Poreotics (Poppin’)
Beau Fournier – Fanny Pak (Commercial)
Flat Top (Poppin’)
OG Skeeter Rabbit (Lockin’)
Bboy Machine (Breakin’)
Ray Basa (House)
Tiff Bong and Donna Arrogante (Waackin/Punkin’)

Panel Discussion (12:30-1:30 PM)


The discussion will center on hip hop’s ability to empower and inspire individuals to create change in their communities. The panel will examine the context in which hip hop emerged, and explore how dance can be used touplift, empower, express, or heal. Panelists will be asked to talk about their own experience with dance and hip hop culture, and explore what the part it has played in their personal story says about larger societal issues.

Panel Participants Announced So Far

Jackie Lopez

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