Any Advice for my son’s sleep issues?
by Leigh Ann
My 2 1/2 year old son has never been a good sleeper & has never slept through the night.He goes to bed fine (foe bedtime & naps), however, he wakes up screaming from his nap 30-45 minutes after he falls asleep 6 out of 7 days a week.We have a daily schedule where he pretty much does the same thing each day with lots of play time.He wakes crying at night 2-3 times a week with the same characteristics.He screams, stares at the wall and cannot be comforted.He seems to be “out of it” and usually takes a while to come around.Sometimes he wakes with a gasp, sweats alot or has a stuffy nose.Our Dr. says his tonsils are a little enlarged & will watch them but for now wants to try melatonin.Any suggestions?
Sorry it took a while to reply your message.
You will need to take your son to a sleep doctor or a specialist for kids. The symptoms you mentioned here, I am not comfortable with.
As for melatonin, it is a good sleep inducer but you have to get the dosage right for kids.
Here is my page onmelatonin supplementsandmelatonin for kids. If you have further questions, just post a comment here.