Causes of Sleep Apnea.
Sleep Apnea is now wide spread in the United States. Statisticsshow that 1400 trafficdeaths each year is because of drivers suffering from Sleep Apnea.
It isbelieved that 3% of Americans suffer from it and there are 40 millionundiagnosed Americans suffering from sleep apnea. In America about 1 in 50 or 2.00% or 5.4 million people havethe disease and have not been diagnosed.But what causessleep apnea? Can it be avoided?
SleepApnea occurs when the airways collapse and breathing becomes almost impossible.The patient misses breath cycles for seconds or even minutes. In a healthy patientair passes through the nose and into the lungs. The air goes through the palate,uvula, and tongue base and through the throat muscles. There are several causes of sleep apnea . The patient might have a deviated septum; the septum is the middle wallof the nose. The septum can be deviated to one side or both sides, there by obstructingthe flow of air. Also there are filters in the nose called turbinates, if theybecome injured and swollen they can affect the flow of air into the lungs.
Another cause of sleep apnea is that there a piece of flesh that hangs at theback of the throat called palate and uvula, if they are too long they can fallbackwards and obstruct breathing. Also when one lies on his back the tongue canfall backwards and obstruct the flow of air. In obese and older people themuscles of the neck might collapse and cause blockage of air into the lungs. Apartfrom the physical causes of sleep apnea stated above, there are other reasons an individualmay develop sleep apnea.
Other Medical conditions that can cause sleep apnea include:
All these factors can cause frequent drops in the oxygenlevels and carbon dioxide builds up and the heart swells. This could lead to aheart attack or stroke and imminent death. To find out about sleep apneatreatment clickhere.
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