Definition of Insomnia.
Definitionof insomnia can vary from different sources but it affects its victims just thesame. This page deals with insomnia symptoms, effects, remedies and treatment. Insomniais simply the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep.
Insomnia most times can be a symptom of adeeper health problem. Insomnia is not really considered a sleeping disorder.Different health problems can induce insomnia such as mental problems, sideeffects of drugs, Jet lag and other psychological issues that can induce stress.Research has shown that insomnia is more prevalent with some group of peoplethan others.
Itoccurs more in older women and the elderly. In the United States alone, about onethird of the adult population has experienced it and about ten percent have recurringinsomnia episodes. The need for sleep varies from person to person; insomniacannot be defined by how much sleep a person gets or how long it takes for theindividual to fall asleep.
Types of Insomnia.
Insomniacomes in 3 categories. They are;
- Transient
- Intermittentand
- Chronic
Transientinsomnia occurs from a single night to a few weeks. This could occur due totragic events, such as death in the family, the loss of a job or divorce. Butif transient insomnia occurs more frequently then it can be said to beintermittent.
IntermittentInsomnia as stated above occurs frequently.
Chronicinsomnia occurs almost every other night and one can hardly get sleep and canlast months or even years. Certain illnesses can induce chronic insomnia suchas asthma, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome, kidney disease, Parkinsondisease, heart failure hyperthyroidism and arthritis.
Insomniacan be caused by a variety of factors. Heres my page for more information oninsomniacauses.
Theeffects of insomnia vary but the common ones are general weakness and lack ofcoordination during the day time.
Mostpeople look to sleeping pills as the solution but a doctors advice should besort before taking such drugs especiallyoverthe counter sleep aidssuch as,
Temazepam (Restoril)
Flurazepam (Dalmane)
Quazepam (Doral)
Triazolam (Halcion).
Insomniadrugsshould only be recommended by a doctor or sleep expert.
Therealso arehomeremedies for insomniaout there. Insomniacs claim that they are moreeffective than drugs.
Treatmentfor insomnia depends on the type of insomnia you have and your doctors decision.
I hope that from this page you can fully understand the definition of insomnia.
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