Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation.

There are many effects of sleep deprivation.Insomnia is one major causes of sleep deprivation.The effects of insomnia vary from person to person and sleep deprivation can play havoc with the body and here is what it is capable of :

1. Conditions such as depression, a tired and aching body, color blindness, sleepiness in the daytime, loss of mental agility, a weakened immune system, dark circles beneath the eyes, confusion, hallucinations, tremors in the body, nausea, irritability, headaches, incoherent speech, changes in body weight and even delirium are some physiological disorders directly associated with sleep deprivation.

2. When people suffer from the effects of sleep deprivation, their body’s ability to burn sugars (glucose) is reduced and this can lead to diabetes.

3. In 2000, a medical study on sleep-deprived people conclusively proved that lack of sleep can severely impair brain function to such an extent that sleep-deprived people couldn’t give simple verbal commands effectively. In 2003, another study conclusively proved that sleep-deprivation directly contributes to the damage of brain cells.

4. Another medical study in 2001 concluded that sleep deprivation was connected to dangerous conditions such as heart disease and mental illness (psychosis and bipolar disorder).

5. It has been observed that sleep deprivation leads to an increase in stress hormone production.

6. Another medical study has established sleep-deprived people produce fewer growth hormones than people who sleep adequately.

7. In some extreme cases, sleep deprivation has caused hernias, muscle tears and other conditions related to over activity and exertion.

8. People who don’t sleep well tend to overeat because lack of sleep messes around with glucose metabolism and appetite, and hence this condition is even linked to obesity.

The effects of lack of sleep vary from person to person and therefore treatment should differ. Sleep Deprivation or Insomnia could be symptom of a deeper health condition. If you find frequenting lacking sleep, you might need to see a doctor.

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