History of Narcolepsy.
History of Narcolepsy:
Jean-Baptiste-douard Glineau, the famous French Physician coined the French term narcolepsie first in 1880 and Narcolepsy is derived from this word.In Greek Narke means numbness in Greek and lepsis mean attack.
People who suffer from narcolepsy usually find it hard to stay awake for long periods of time, irrespective of the circumstances. Narcolepsy can lead to serious disturbances in your daily routine.
The first descriptions of narcolepsy were reported in 1877 in Germany. It was identified and named by Glineau who identified the disorder as a clinical condition, characterized as a combination of muscle weakness and uncontrollable urge to fall asleep. Though Glineau did not differentiate muscle weakness episodes and sleep attacks triggered by emotions. Historically, treatments included cerebrospinal fluid removal, x-ray irradiation, and intrathecal injection of air,before amphetamines began to be used in 1935 it was customary to use Ephedrine as a treatment.
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