Melatonin Facts
We present the actual sheet for dosage, it’s side effects, overdose and use in adults and kids.
These Melatonin Facts will separate the Myths from the Facts.
I am going to be answering questions on melatonin facts like,
- What is melatonin?
- Howdoes it work?
- Should I give my child melatonin?
- Can I use it for Jetlag?
- What about melatonin and cancer?
- What are the side effects ofmelatoninsupplements?
Let’s begin.
What is Melatonin?
Do you know that . . . ?
- Melatonin is a hormone in the body produced bythe pineal gland at the back of your head.
- It is made from tryptophan, an amino acid inthe pineal gland.
- Melatonin regulates sleep cycles and istriggered by darkness; this is why you feel sleepy at night.
- Melatonin also serves the following purposesin the body;
Itacts as an anti-depressant, immunoregulator, antioxidant, anti aging agent, anda sexual dysfunction regulator.
- It helps your immune system and also regulatesthe female menstrual cycle.
Melatonin and Sleep.
Do you know that . . .?
- Darkness triggers Melatonin production by thepineal gland.
- That the human eye sends a message to thebrain for melatonin production you are in dark place.
- This why melatonin is called the hormone ofdarkness.
- The amount of melatonin your body producesreduces as you age. This why older people have more sleep problems.
Melatonin Supplements as a Sleep Aid.
Do you know that . . .?
- Melatonin supplements are used to treat sleepproblems like insomnia, jet lag and generalsleepdeprivation effects.
- Thatmelatoninsupplementscome in two forms.Synthetic and Natural (Animal Pineal Gland Extracts) Forms.
- Melatonin supplements are also used to treatand manage cancer symptoms. Check out mymelatoninand cancerpage.
- Melatonin made from animal (cow) pineal glandcan contain viruses.
- Melatonin Supplements aid bone growth.
Melatonin Safety.
Do you know that . . . ?
- You should take melatonin supplements forshort term purposes.
- Melatonin naturally increases blood-clottingand should not be used if you have a blood clotting disorder.
- Pregnant women and nursing mothers shouldavoidmelatoninsupplementsusage.
- People with a history of depression or afamily history of mental problems should avoid it.
- Peopleworking with heavy machinery shouldavoid melatonin supplementsbecause of possible side effects ofsleepiness.
- MelatoninSupplements has been banned in manycountries including Germany,Canada, Britain and some other European countries.
- Melatonin Supplement is not a drug but asupplement.
Melatonin Overdose.
Do you know that. . . ?
- The human body produces about 0.1 mg ofmelatonin daily.
- Melatonin Overdose does not really have anyside effects.
- Melatonin supplements contain 3-5mg pertablet.
- Melatonin Over dose could lower your bloodpressure.
Melatonin Dosage.
Do you know that. . . ?
- The average melatonin dosage for adults shouldbe 3-5mg.
- The average melatonin dosage for children shouldbe 1mg.
Melatonin for Insomnia.
Do you know that . . . ?
- Melatonin is used to cure insomnia.
- The average melatonin supplements dosage forinsomnia is 3mg.
- Melatonin should be taken 1 hour before bedtime so it can be more effective.
The side effects of taking melatonin.
Do you know that. . . ?
- It is not advisable to use melatonin duringthe day.
- Melatonin overdose can reduce your estrogenand can be used as birth control.
- Melatoninin rare cases only has mild sideeffects such as, Dizziness,Confusion, Nightmares, Abdominal Cramps, GeneralDiscomfort, andSleep walking and vomiting.
- Melatonin’s side effects are short term.
Find moreMelatonin Facts onmelatoninsupplements.
Where Can I Buy Melatonin?
Ireceive lots of emails from my readers asking where they can buymelatonin online. I have tried many online stores and I have found thatonly one works well for me.
The store i get my melatonin bottles from offers a tremendous package and they have the cheapest online melatonin prices.
Every time I buy 3 bottles I get 3 free.
If I buy 2 bottles I get 1 free.
ButI always advice my readers to start with a single bottle which costonly $49.Click the image below to get YOUR OWN MELATONIN BOTTLESTODAY.