Most common Causes and Cures for Snoring.

Most common Causes and Cures for Snoring.

The causes and cures for snoring are many faceted. They include overeating, excess dairyproducts which cause mucus production, and lack of exercise leading to abuild-up of fatty tissues around the nasal area, nasal stuffiness, small orcollapsing nostrils, unsuitable sleeping position, allergy, smoking, alcoholand sleeping pills.

It is recommended that the sufferer undergoes various teststo find out what exactly the causes are of this unfortunate and disturbingaffliction, which may not trouble the snorer but certainly impinges on thehealth and well being of the sleeping partner! There are certain known causes,they include the following :

  • Old Age
    We are all growing.As the human body gets old the muscles tend to get weaker.
    This does not mean actual muscle loss but that the soft tissues of the back of the nose and throat area are becoming softer and more relaxed.The muscles in the neck and face are also affected.This weakness in the neck and nose muscles can give rise to snoring for a lot of aged people .However regular exercise and proper dieting can help curb snoring in old age.
  • Nasal Congestion and the causes and cures for snoring.
    If you have ever had a “stuffed up” nose,you know what it means to sleep at night breathing through your mouth. This would naturally cause you to snore .Other causes of nasal congestion include injury to the septum or malformation of the septum.The septum is a cartilage that separates your nasal passages and if it is not balanced it can cause one nostril to be partially blocked and result in snoring.
  • Alcohol and Cigarettes
    Smoking Cigarettes leaves your airways dry and scratchy,and can lead to snoring. Alcohol can also induce snoring.When you take in alcohol the muscles of your tongue and throat become more relaxed ,thereby causing the soft tissue in your throat to collapse inwards and vibrate when you sleep.
  • Sleeping Position
    The way you sleep can also cause you to snore.Like everything on our planet gravity still holds sway,research shows that if you sleep on your back the force of gravity may make you open your mouth and when you breathe through your mouth and this may cause snoring.Also gravity affects the soft tissue in your throat causing it to hang more loosely and it is more likely to vibrate when you sleep and cause you to snore.
  • Medications and the causes and cures of snoring.
    Medications have a very strong effect on the body.They can have different effects you including snoring .Antihistamines and nasal decongestants dry out your airways, and this may lead to snoring. Sedatives and tranquilizers, or sedating painkillers, work on your throat muscles in a similar way to alcohol. By relaxing these muscles, causing the collapse of soft tissue, or vibration, they may induce snoring.
  • Being Over Weight
    Excess fat in the neck and throat cannarrow your air passage and cause snoring. Depending on the uniqueness of your body this might not be your story,but statistics has shown that 9 out of 10 over weight people snore.

I am sure you have more information now on the causes and cures for snoring.

Click the link below to see cures for snoring.You are in for a big surprise !

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