Quitting Alcohol Insomnia.
Alcohol Insomnia is a kindof insomnia that is induced by the side effects of taking alcohol hours beforesleep.
Alcohol will make you pass out and will not give you deep sleep. Yes,you will sleep for a few hours and wake up feeling terrible. Why?
Alcohol dehydrates yourbody and makes you uncomfortable and thirsty. Your REM sleep is disturbed andcan hardly get back to sleep. When you sleep your body goes through sleepcycles, repeating the same pattern over and over again. This sleep cycle isimportant for deep sleep. Now, when you take alcohol before sleep, it totallydistorts the sleep pattern and leaves you wide awake after for the rest of thenight.
Your body has tocompensate by producing adrenaline to compensate for the alcohol in your body.This also keeps you awake.
Alcohol and Sleeping Pills.
I have heard stories ofpeople taking insomnia drugs with alcohol. The idea is that the alcohol willmake the drug work better and you have a better sleep.
Please avoid it. Why?
Alcohol is a depressantand most sleeping pills contain depressants. The effects of using the two atthe same is that they will slow down your breathing to an extent that this mightbecome too much for your body to handle and you may pass into a coma or evendie.
Stop or reduce your alcohol intake especiallytowards sleep time. One the principle of bed hygiene is to avoid hours beforesleep food or drinks that can cause insomnia. The first thing on the list of“no touch” substances is Alcohol followed by Caffeine.
Alcohol is addictive, butyou can wean yourself of it for the evening periods if you try hard enough. Doit for your sleep. You can take herbal teas like fennel or chamomile tea tocompensate. Or take light wine during your dinner.
If you suffer from otherforms of insomnia, I recommend thatsleepingpillsorinsomniadrugsshould be the last option. They can be very dangerous andaddictive and should only be used under a doctor’s supervision.
There are better optionsto treating anytypeof insomnia.I especially lovenaturalremedies for insomnia. You can trymelatoninsupplements, sleep sound audio programs like theSleepTracks Optimization Program, and exercise for sleep and so on. You canalso tryherbalsleep aids, as they have been known to be very effective againstinsomnia and other kinds of sleep problems.
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