ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5iHeated Humidifier has received lots of positive ratings from medicalprofessionals and end users.
This CPAP machine comeswith a humidifier and a climate control feature, thus giving it an edge abovemost CPAP machines in its price range. (At the time of this writing).
One feature that makes thismachine stand out amongst its peer is its super quiet operation.
Though it can be purchasedwith a humidifier the ResMed AutoSet S9 can be used alone. This is especiallyhandy if you are going on a trip and need to pack and travel light.
Its H5i Heated Humidifiercan only be used with the ResMed CPAP Machine S9 series. You cannot use it withother brands or ResMed Series.
When used with Climate Linetubing, the climate control feature comes on. This helps to overcome thechallenge of rainout and dried breath that is common after CPAP usage.
Another cool feature of theResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier CPAP machine is that it is bestfit for people who have both Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea(CSA).
It has an inbuilt featurefor differentiating between CSA and OSA in order to know the right proportionof air to supply.
But before you choose tobuy this machine, please read the whole of this review to understand if this istheright CPAP machine for you.
At the end of this article wewill place links to trusted facilities where you can buy the ResMed S9 AutoSetwith H5i Heated Humidifier at a rebate price.
- Dimensions
12″ L x 5.7″ W x 3.4″ H - Weight
3.5 lbs - SlimLine tube
6inch in length and exclusive to ResMed with small diameter air tube to helpeliminate tube drag. - Power supply
6inch in length and exclusive to ResMed with small diameter air tube to helpeliminate tube drag. - Input Range
100 – 240 V. - Water Operating Range
About 4 to 20 cm H2O. - Fiber Filter
Has 88% efficiency rating at 7 micron . - Power Cord Transformer
Big and relatively heavy weighted of about 1 Ib 7oz. it has a two piece cord like that of a lap top. - Warranty
It has 2 Year warranty from the Manufacturer . - Special User Features
Such as Auto on/off and mask off alert.
Basic Features
- Colored LCD Display Screen-This LCD displays directory menus (Home, Info, Setup).
This makes the machine’s interface user friendly and easy to follow.
- The Mask Fit Sign-The mask fit feature displays green smileys face when the mask is rightly fitted and red frowning face when not properly fitted.
- Pre-Warming –The ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier has a special pre-warming feature.
If you don’t want cold air blowing through your nose, you can pre warm the heater whilst you do something else like brush your teeth or get ready for bed.
How To Pre-Warm
You hold down the dial button for 3 seconds to warm up. To cool down the machine if you decide you are not going to use it after warming it up, you hold down the dial button for 3 seconds initiate a cooling.
The ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier can also initiate a cooling down if you do not turn on the machine after a warming up.
- LED Light –When the machine displays a blue LED light, it is safe to open the water chamber as the hot plate has cooled down.
An orange LED light simply means the opposite; the hot plate is still warm.
- Water Chamber-The ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier is mostly sold with a standard chamber that cannot be opened for cleaning. You can call up your dealer for a chamber that can be opened. (Pictures of both).
With some dealers the standard chamber (that cannot be opened), can be replaced after a 6 month period. You can also wait for 6 months to ask your dealer for a new chamber.
The advantage of having a chamber that can be opened is that it can be cleaned easily. The standard chamber, you will notice mineral deposits that come from using tap water with the machine.
We advise you use distilled water with your machine. It is always better as distilled water increases the life span of the chamber.You can purchase the water chamer on Amazon here.
- AutoSet Feature-The AutoSet Feature helps the machine detect the Humidifier automatically when attached and also aids in climate change adaptation. This machine is designed to provide adjust during climate changes such as dry air, leading to dry throat and congestion.
- Heat Settings –From the Menu, you can adjust the heat settings for your machine. Some people prefer hotter air and others love it warm. So, depending on your preference you can adjust the heat settings.
The heat setting is numbered from 0.5 to 6.0.The higher the number, the hotter the hot plate. To adjust the setting, turn the dial down to the “drop of water icon”, press the dial down and then adjust to your preferred heat setting, turning the dial either left or right.
Once you are satisfied with the heat level, you press down the dial again to save your setting.
- Climate Line Tubing –If you use regular tubing, your heat setting is displayed in numbers.
If you attach climate line tubing, climate control is enable and the machine no longer displays the settings in numbers but in Degree Fahrenheit.Some people prefer to see the settings in the degrees.
- ResMed S9 AutoSet Data Card-It has Secured SD card for data storage. This makes it easy to keep track of your sleep History.
- H5i Humidifier Tank-This is where water for humidity regulation is stored. It is quite easy toremove and clean (If you have a tank that can be opened).
You can store up to 365 therapy night statistic data record on the SD card.
Push the info button to see a readout of your night sleep and hours of usage recorded.
This helps tosupply constant amount of water vapor for moist air that is delivered tothe user to maintain steady humid breath.
- Quietness-ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier has super quiet operation suchthat it does not pose any noise problems to you, your room mate or your spousewhen in use.
- ResMed S9 Battery– Many people do not know that they can run the ResMed S9 Auto CPAP Machine on Battery.
There are many types of batteries to use with the ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier CPAP Machine.
Picking a battery for your S9 CPAP machine can be a troublesome task if you do not know which batteries would work with the S9 Series.
Some batteries can only be used with the ResMed S9 series and others can be used with any ResMed or Respironics CPAP Machine.
When choosing a battery, you can purchase a pre-built battery pack or if you know what you are doing you can use an automotive battery with your CPAP Machine.
There are 2 popular battery packs for the ResMed S9 series.
1.The S9 Power Station Kit sometimes known as the ResMed Power Station (RPS) II and the
2.ResMed S9 AutoSet CPAP Battery Pack
If you reside in areas with frequent power outage or areas that experiences frequent storms, it will be wise to have a CPAP Battery so as to avoid interruptions in your CPAP therapy.
Read More About ResMed S9 Batteries
- Climate Control-ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier ClimateControl System uses an intelligent algorithm to control the climate-line tubein order to deliver constant humidity, during therapy at comfortabletemperature to the patient, despite any change in the weather or environmentalcondition.
- ResMed S9 Autoset withHeated H5i Humidifier AutoSet Algorithm-Thismachine differentiates between Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central SleepApneas (CSA) in users and responds appropriately by using forced oscillationtechnique (FOT) to determine the state of the airway during an apnea event, thusdelivering the right amount of air at the appropriate therapeutic pressure.
- The Power Port is at the back of the CPAP Machine.
- Humidifier Tank is removable and easy to fit back.
- The CPAP Machine keeps blowing after turn off. This isbecause the humidifier starts cooling down immediately after you put off themachine. This cooling process is displayed on the screen and when it is completethe machine will go off completely.
- ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier has two typesof water chambers- The standard or open top water chambers.
The standard chamber can bechanged after six months or as recommended by your doctor.The open top chamber can beopened up and cleaned.
- Ensure that you use distilled water only and not tap waterfor durability. If you use Tap water, there will be mineral deposits in thechamber that will reduce the life span of the water chamber and reduce thedurability of your machine.
This adaptive feature helps in theadjustment of air flow rate thus preventing traditional humidification problemsfrom climate changes such as harsh dry breath, rainout andthus ensuring maximum comfort.
There is a sensor that measures the temperature of the airthat goes out to the tube and indicates, if there be any need for adjustment.
All these adjustments are doneautomatically by the machine while you are asleep.
The ResMed S9 Auto Setsoftware features (EPR). Expiratory Pressure Relief aids breathing by monitoring yourbreathing and automatically decreases the pressure against which the patientmust breathe out, thus making the overall CPAP therapy more comfortable.
When you attach your H5i Humidifier to the S9, it detects it automatically. Before attaching the humidifier, you will notice that the air outlet is on the side of the machine, after attaching the humidifier, the air outlet position changes to the back side of the machine. (add Image)
- This machine is designed to adjustto various atmospheric conditions. You can set and forget it and not bother aboutconstantly checking the temperature setting, because it can auto set itself tothe temperature you choose despite environmental changes.
- The ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5iHeated Humidifier is portable and handy. At your bedside it could pass for a bedside radio or clock.
- It has a heavy transformer powercord.
- When travelling, the ResMed S9AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier can take up a lot of space, especially whenyou travel with your humidifier.
- One of the ResMed S9 AutoSet problems is that the humidifier easily disconnectsfrom the CPAP machine. To avoid this, you have to be careful at night to placethe machine on a safe stand.
- You cannot see the water levelsexcept, you open the water chamber. At night, this can be an inconvenience butfor the other features this machine has, this is one just one more hassle tolive with.
What’s in the Box:
- ResMed S9 AutoSet CPAP unit
- Heated Humidifier
- Canvas Carrying Bag
- 6-foot ResMed SlimLine™ BreathingTube
- Air Filters
- Printed Clinician and User Manuals
- Nylonmaterial bag pack- Withwell designed compartments for all accessories such as double compact for boththe S9 CPAP machine and H5i heated humidifier, section for power cord and more.Good enough to carry about on any journey.
Final Verdict
The ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier is asolid machine. The H5i humidifier is a super bargain.
We love the fact that theS9 can be used without the humidifier and features likePre-WarmingandAutoClimate Adjustmentmake this machine worth buying.
If you looking for that single unit that will handlethe basics of your CPAP therapy, this machine should be the one.
Buying Options
The New ResMed S9 AutoSet with H5i Heated Humidifier – Discount Package – $1,012.00
Retail Price: $1,022.00