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If you’ve ever been through a sleepless night of thegrinding, shaking and annoyance of a snoring partner, you know how hard it canbe to findsnoring solutionsthatwork.
That’s because there are so manygimmicks out there on the market which only may interrupt snoring, but don’tprovide any long-term stop snoringsolutions that really get at the heart of the matter.
You see, snoring is not as innocent as we oncethought. If you’re like me, growing upit was typical to think, “Oh, Dad’s snoring again” and go on without givinganother thought to stop snoringsolutions.
But now, thanks toadvancements in sleep science, we know that snoring is indicative of a muchmore serious, underlying problem.
Infact, this problem can be so serious that it can lead directly to death andshould be taken as a precautionary sign that something is definitelywrong.
So, please, if you or a loved onehas a snoring problem, consult your physician with the details to ensure thatit isn’t due to something much more serious like sleep apnea.
Once you’ve talked with your physician, he or she mayrecommend some of these stop snoringsolutions which you can then try.
Here we have reviewed a few of these stop snoring solutions including snoring devices, aids, pillows,jawsupporters, sprays, mouthguards, habits, products, home and herbal remedies,exercises, and surgery that may solve this annoying problem!
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring is one of the most common sleep disorders (yes, itis technically classified as a disorder) which is prevalent amongst men andworsens with age.
While it can beharmless in some, in others it is a sign of a more serious sleep disordercalled sleep apnea.
Snoring is caused by the turbulence of the airflow as itstruggles to get past collapsed tissue of the throat and nose duringsleep. This airflow causes vibrationswhich result in the characteristic and unmistakable sounds of snoring.
The tissues of the throat and nose collapsebecause of weakened muscle structures and this worsens when someone is verytired. This is why snoring is at itsworst when a person is exhausted or in REM (the deepest) sleep.
One of the common misconceptions that we now know as falseis that only people with “thick” necks snore. This simply isn’t true because if you’ve ever owned a tiny little pet,you’ve probably heard them snore!
Studies and surveys show that over 80 million people in North Americaalone snore during sleep.
The NIH(National Health Institute) reports that 30% of people 40 years of age andunder snore while over half of the over-60 population “saws lumber” atnight. These statistics are generallyheld to be comparable to world-wide numbers.
The Silent, SleeplessSufferers
But while snorers may be suffering with their health due tolack of restful sleep, poor air flow, low blood-oxygen levels and raising theirrisk for heart attack, stroke and high blood pressure, the “silent, sleeplesssufferer” is the spouse lying next to them.
Night after night, snoring can reach the same levels of a freight train:over 90 decibels! Lying next to thateach night can be almost unbearable for some.
And when you try to wake someone to tell them they’resnoring, the answer is always the same: I don’t snore!
As much as thesestop snoring solutionsare for the snorer, they are dedicated andaimed towards the silent, sleepless victims of snoring: the spouse.
Stop Snoring Surgery
All four tackle specific parts of the throat with differentmethods meant to be permanent stopsnoring solution.
Talk with yourphysician about these options, especially if you have sleep apnea and you’vetried everything else.
The main complaint that some have is despite its efficacyand simplicity, it can be a tad uncomfortable.
Stop SnoringExercises
These exercises are simple to do, but must bekept up with a consistent pace.
Perhaps the best and most effective exercise routine forthis is The Stop Snoring Exercise Program.
Natural SnoringRemedies
These naturalsnoring remedies include dieting, herbs and changing sleep positions.
Snoring Pillow
Coming in different shapes and sizes toaccommodate all comers, this should probably be the first thing you try when itcomes to stopping snoring.
Snoring Earplugs
But forsome, they work, so if your spouse is a snorer, give these cheap remedies a try(in your ears, not down their throat!)
Snoring Spray
These arebest for mild cases of snoring, though anything’s worth a shot on a heavysnorer.
Pills for Snoring
Snoring Chin Strap
Thechin strap for snoring works in this manner, firmly holding the head and chintogether via a strap around the whole head. Shut their trap with a strap.
Snoring Ring
Wearing the snoring ring onyour pinkie finger, two small bumps apply light pressure between the knuckleand first joint, stimulating the heart and lungs for better breathing.
Try it before you knock it, it works and isvery cheap.
If none of these stopsnoring solutions work, you may have Obstructive
Sleep Apnea (OSA), apotentially deadly condition. Please seeyour doctor immediately.
Other Ways to StopSnoring
If you want to hear about some of the alternative methods tostop snoring, click here right now for your freereport.
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