Mexican American Culture Differences

Mexican American Culture Differences

About Mexican American Culture Differences

Mexicans and Americans have many things in common due to the facts that Mexico and United States are bordering countries with very long border line.

Also, there are close to 31 million Mexicans or Mexican Americans living in the United States which is some 13% of the countrys population.

In some parts of the United States, especially in some cities like in San Antonio, Texas or Santa Ana, California you would feel as if you were in Mexico rather than in the U.S. The reason for this is that is those American cities and other alike the majority are Mexicans (Mexican Americans) and the influence of the Mexican culture is most evident.

In other words, when talking about Mexican and American Cultures and especially when analyzing the Mexican American culture differences you should keep in mind that there is American culture, Mexican American culture and Mexican culture.

In this article we will not discuss the Mexican American culture but the differences between these two great cultures.

Firs and foremost, there is no better culture or worse. There are only different ways of living and not the right ways or the wrong ones. What is considered desirable behavior in one culture in some other is immoral, however that dont meat that it is so ultimately. It is very important to be open-minded when meeting with, or reading about, some other culture that is not ours.

Maybe the best way to describe the difference between the Mexican and American culture are some saying and proverbs on this subject:

  • Mexicans work to live, Americans live to work.
  • In Mexico you need to relax, in U.S. you should mobilize and make your (American) dream come true.
  • MexicoThere is more time than life; U.STime is money
  • Mexicans dream abut American money; Americans dream about Mexican passion.
  • There is time for everything, but not enough for living.
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