Do you physically handle your dog or does your dog handle you? – – Training Dogs

Teaching your pup that your hand is her friend in the beginning makes a big difference in how she acts for other things. Its called physically handling or touching....

Do you physically handle your dog or does your dog handle you?

Can you touch your pup……anywhere?

  • Teaching Rickoshay that your hand is her friend in the beginning, makes a big difference in how she acts for other things. Its called handling. It will affect how she acts at the Veterinarians office, whether she lets you trim her toenails, use combs or a furrminator, clean her ears and a host of other things. Teaching Rickoshay to tolerate and even enjoy handling can be enjoyable and necessary for both of you. Even if you have grooming done professionally, performing these handling procedures promotes mutual trust, respect and unconditional love both ways.
  • Begin by only working with her when she isВ  calm.
  • В Touch and rub her ears, mouth, paws, belly and hair coat.
  • В Anticipate her mood and reaction and always stop before she stops you.
  • В When Rickoshay is still, end with praise or food.
  • В Frequently repeat the exercises, gradually lengthening the interaction time.
  • В Always praise herВ  with a happy voice whenever she doesn’t resist handling.
  • В Progress slows enough to control resistance, mouthing, aggression or anxious behaviors.
  • В By allowing you to clip nails and clean ears and teeth, Rickoshay is making a strong, positive statement about her relationship with you.
  • В This will make home care easier and try to always remember to make it fun!


Do you physically handle your dog or does your dog handle you?


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