Dog toys should be Indestructible and Dishwasher-proof – – Training Dogs

Toys that are not indestructible are always possibilities for de-stuffing, and that can be a costly medical bill....

Dog toys should be indestructible and dishwasher-proof.В  If chew toys are easily destroyed, they will need to be replaced. This costs money. Also, it is not good for your puppy to consume non-food items.

Kong products and sterilized long bones(both commercially available in pet supply stores) are good resilient toys for most dogs. As both of these are hollow, they may be stuffed with goodies to heighten the pup’s interest and entice it to chew, then filled with water and put in the freezer for teething.

Stuff chew toys with three types of goodies: kibble which come out easily, kibble which takes some time for the dog to extricate, Cherrios, squirt cheese, and peanut butter which the dog can never get out. Thus the puppy is rewarded the instant it investigates a chew toy and again and again as it works on it for a while. It will then continue to busy itself with the chew toy knowing the tastiest treats are still stuck inside. For example, different shaped biscuits are ideal for stuffing Kongs.

Dog toys should be indestructible and dishwasher-proof. Prepare a number of stuffed toys for the puppy  whenever it is confined. The puppy will happily worry at the stuffed toys until it falls asleep. When the owner returns, they should delay greeting the puppy until it picks up a chew toy again. Then pull out the treats remaining in the Kong and give them to the pup. Thus, when your dog wakes up in the afternoon and becomes active in anticipation of the owner’s return it will go in search of a stuffed toy.

Once the puppy learns what it should be chewing, chewing catastrophes will be minimal. On occasions, though, it may be necessary to let the dog know what it should not be chewing. Whenever the pup even sniffs a likely target, immediately distract the puppy and reward with a stuffed toy or bone to reinforce what your pup should be chewing.

Dog toys should be indestructible and dishwasher-proof.

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