Call for Applications Commonwealth Scholarship 2018 – 2019

Call for Applications Commonwealth Scholarship 2018 - 2019...

Call for Applications Commonwealth Scholarship 2018 – 2019

The Office of Research, Innovation and Development is pleased to announce to the university community the “Call for Applications for the Commonwealth Scholarship 2018-2019”. The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom has invited the University of Ghana to nominate a suitable candidate for a Commonwealth Full-Time Doctoral Scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom from September/October 2018. In line with this, ORID wishes to inform eligible faculty that applications are being accepted for institutional nomination.


The awards are tenable at any approved UK university or higher education institution with which the CSC has part funding agreement. A list of these institutions is available at Awards are no longer offered to complete a PhD study already underway in the UK. All applications must be made under any one of the following development themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity


  • The Commonwealth Scholarships are aimed at individuals who could not afford to study in the UK. Every applicant will be required to sign a declaration that they do not have access to sufficient funds to study in the UK.
  • All nominated candidates should hold full-time teaching posts with UG, at the time of their application, to which they intend to return following any scholarship.


  • Applicants must provide a supporting statement from a named supervisor from at least one of the UK universities to which they are applying.
  • Applicants must hold a first degree of at least a second-class upper (2:1) honours standard or a second-class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification (normally a Master’s degree).
  • The selected candidate must be able to take up their award at the commencement of the academic year in September/October 2018. Deferments are granted in only the most exceptional circumstances, and will not be considered for start dates beyond January 2019.
  • Candidates are expected to state at least one, and are strongly advised to propose three institutions of study on their application.


Step 1:

Online application made using the CSC’s Electronic Application System (EAS) at the following address using the “Applicant’s Portal” by Thursday 22nd February, 2018. A copy of the “How to Apply” guide is attached for detailed information on the EAS application process.
As this process is being managed by ORID, we would like to draw your attention to ‘SECTION THREE’ of the EAS application which requests for information on the nominating body. Applicants should enter the following email address to ensure that ORID receives the automatic email from the EAS to provide the necessary information. (A guarantee cannot be made that an endorsement on an application will be made if the correct email address as indicated above is not provided in the EAS).
Step 2:
Applicant submits a duly endorsed “UG-Institutional Nomination for Commonwealth Scholarships (UG-INFfCS)” latest by 5:00pm on Friday 23rd February, 2018 (UG-INFfCS attached).
Applicants are strongly encouraged to study the scholarship prospectus to ensure that all the relevant application requirements are fulfilled. Copies of the prospectus for the available awards are attached for guidance. The prospectus may also be downloaded from the websites provided above. Also attached is the selection criteria for the Fellowships.
Step 3:
Shortlisted applicants will/ may attend an interview organized by ORID as part of the Institutional Nomination Process.
A nomination by the University of Ghana does not automatically guarantee selection or placement in the United Kingdom. The final selection will be made by CSC and will be based on the academic merit of their application, the quality of the research proposal and the potential impact of the work on the development of the candidate’s home country.
Completion of application in the EAS                          – Thursday February 22, 2018
Submission of paper copy of EAS application to ORID – Friday February 23, 2018
  • University of Ghana intends to use the EAS applications for its nominations and will therefore not be accept hard copy applications for the scholarship.
  • The EAS will not be available to applicants applying from UG after February 22, 2018.
  • ORID will only accept institutional nomination forms that have been duly endorsed by the Dean/Director of the applicant’s School/Institute.
  • The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission will not accept applications from individuals.
  • Late applications shall not be considered and will be returned.


Commonwealth Apllication Form 2018

How to Apply for UG Institutional Nomination

How to apply for a Commonwealth PhD Scholarship

Terms and conditions PhD 2018

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