Categories: scholarships in Ghana

Commonwealth Scholarship in UK For Ghanaian Students

Commonwealth Scholarship in UK For Ghanaian Students

Commonwealth Scholarship in UK For Ghanaian StudentsCommonwealth Scholarship in UK For Ghanaian Students

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the above mentioned awards which are tenable in Universities and institutions of higher learning in United Kingdom.  The awards are intended for Ghanaian men and women of high intellectual promise who will be expected to make significant contribution to the achievement of the overall development objectives of the country on their return from their studies.

The Commonwealth Scholarships are for the following levels of study:

  • Masters (One year)
  • Ph.D


Candidates should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be Ghanaian citizen resident in Ghana
  2. Applicants for Masters Degree must have First Class or second Class Upper.
  3. Applicants for Doctoral studies should have at least 2ndClass (Upper) and a relevant Masters degree in related/relevant fields.
  4. Candidates must not be above 35 years for Masters Degree and above 45 years for Doctoral studies
  5. Applicants must obtain admission from a University in the United Kingdom.
  6. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Deadline:5thOCTOBER, 2016

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